Last update 10/15/24 
Index of Interesting Sections 
How to Get a Spanking on this Website 
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Spanking for Grownups 
A Way of Self-Control 
and unsubmitted self-discipline 
The parenting that children receive is an abstraction of life.  What parents do to children, the cosmos is doing to each and every one of us all of the time, but so slowly that we cannot perceive it.   So in all fairness, people are given at the start of a life, an intense and vivid encapsulation of what the cosmos will be doing to them.  The parenting of children is only for children, but what we are doing here is creating a similar abstraction, for the purpose of shaping ourselves into the way that we would prefer to be. 
In this sense, being a good boy is the key to the cosmos; the key to life.  The way given here is one of taking control of your own destiny.  If life seems undesirable, that’s not life -- that’s you.  Change you, and you change life. 
The way given here is about you controlling you -- you taking responsibility for yourself and taking your destiny in your own hands, rather than becoming a submitee of one of the world's systems, including religions.  I demand that every system of the world recognize that an individual may use spanking independently, in his own self-discipline, without being considered to be submitted, without becoming subject to other-controlledness.  For how grownups can use spanking in their self-disipline without disrupting their life-games, click here.  For the philosophy behind the context in which it is appropriate, click here
Spanking is interesting.  The incomparable Creator God built this co-hump passion (compassion) into the human form, that there might be an easy and fun way to return to the light when we have strayed from the straight and narrow by our wrongful thoughts and deeds.  Having done so, He felt better about endowing us with free will, which He knew could result in some of us deviating. 
To control the self is to control the subconscious, which initiates over 90% of behavior.  The way that children are controlled works best.  Children are walking, talking subconscious units.  The subconscious gulls the ego into thinking it is the controller, while giving it the illusion of continuity. 
This website is divided into three books: 
Book I explains how grownups can best use spanking in their own self-discipline.  It works best -- not only for children but for all humans.  Children think, "When I am big, this will not happen to me," and when they are no longer babies, they throw out the b'thwatter along with the baby.  They think that they've become what a grownup looks like to a child. 
Book II is a system of exercises and practices designed to develop the God-intended condition that spanking discipline can bring us into conformity with.  It is equivalent to being a good boy. 
Book III introduces some approaches to religion that are good for people who have attained that state.  Unism does not require any belief; only that you be trying to be good. 
Book I 
Spanking for Grownups 
Suppo Stu Bedube 
        This is a book about spanking for grownups. It is a serious approach to discipline; you won’t find any sex in it. It is a work of revelation; not one of scholarship. The book will make no attempt to be complete, and will deliberately omit quite a lot that the seeker had best discover for himself. It is intended as a stimulus; to inspire you, to get your mental wheels turning, and to give you a few ideas.  You are encouraged to stop reading and close the cover at any time you feel that you are getting more than you want right now. 
        It’s always better to proceed on your own on important paths, and the discipline that pertains to personal growth and development is a very important path indeed. What you uncover for yourself will become soul knowledge for you; you will take it with you from life to life.  So when you feel like stopping and making some experiments on your own, by all means do so. You can always come back to this later on; it’s a free download. You’re welcome to keep it on file.  There is a link to the ebook form at the top of this page.  
        It took me about 40 years to evolve the principles that I will give in this book, and that was 30 years of committed seeking. Not many people will go to that much trouble -- that’s one of the reasons why I’ve decided to write the book. But we all have plenty of time, and eventually, everyone will want to develop his own ways of discipline and self-control. Nobody stays permanently dependent on anybody else. 
        Neither I nor the ways I give need to be followed. We are all children on the same playground. Sometimes you might see another kid playing something that seems interesting. So you say, “That looks like fun.  I think I’ll play something like that.” And you go and womp together a version of what you want to play, and you play that; you explore it. Maybe it takes you somewhere. Or, in some cases, maybe you hit a wall, and you say, “How was that again? That kid seemed to be having more fun than this.” And you go back and take another look. You’re still not following him. Well, maybe a little. 
        The point is, we get the most value from finding our own ways, as much as possible. And remember, all spiritual teachings are governed by the law: Freely have you received; freely give. This means free even of obligation to follow or to be subordinate. Attributions should be given if you think they should; in fact, I’m going to give one right now: 
        The spiritual teacher Jack Schwarz gave some version of the following analogy in one of his books: he said, it’s like this -- I’ve got this jacket I made, and I’m going to tell you how I made it, step by step. After I finish, maybe you’d like to make a jacket for yourself. But maybe you don’t want one just like mine. Maybe you’d like a zipper instead of buttons. Or maybe you want extra pockets on yours, or for it to be a different length. Or maybe it’s more like a shirt or a tunic you’d like. Whatever. I don’t care. All I’m saying is, here is this jacket I made, and this is how I went about making it. 
         I want to identify myself philosophically, since I am an eclectic, and since the question will no doubt arise, "Who is this guy?  Where is he coming from?  What's his take on reality -- what does he refer to?  Those of you who are interested in that can find my philosophical backdrop and roots here.  The psychological context of the website is here
The Argument for Using Spanking 
(click here
        Most people who come to this website do not need to be convinced -- they already use spanking in their discipline.  But for those who are interested in why we do it, the arguments are given here
How to Get Started -- the Equipment 
         The equipment and techniques offered below, besides being excellent for self-discipline, will enable you to have a remote spanking relationship with your heart-chosen intimate, by phone, text, or email.  For more on how to do that, click here
spankings are administered without pants or underwear 
        Here’s how to reinstitute spanking in your personal discipline.  First of all, you’re a big boy or girl now, and so mostly you will need an implement.  Hand spankings are for before the thirteenth birthday; the hairbrush is for before the eighteenth.  After the eighteenth birthday we use a paddle.  Not a very big one; it should be neither too light nor too heavy, but of such a size as to bring the adjective “wicked” to mind.  Just right. 
        But the fraternity-style paddle is intended for one person administering punishment to another.  Wouldn’t that be a little awkward though, twisting around and whacking yourself that way?  Of course it would.  That’s why we don’t use the fraternity style in self-discipline; we use the self-applied paddle. 
        These are good dimensions of a self-applied paddle for normal sized persons: the wood should be hardwood (oak, mahogany, birch).  A good thickness is thirteen sixteenths of an inch. The width is 7¾ inches.  The length is 6 3/32 inches.  From the middle of one of the 7 3/4-inch sides rises a handle an inch and an eighth wide, and 5 5/8 inches long.  So the shape is generally that of an oblong breadboard with a handle.  If you stood it up on end with the handle stuck up into the air, and sawed it off in the middle, horizontally, it would look like this: 
The self-applied paddle 
click here for important details 
         For another style of self applied paddle, having holes, which, according to the O.E.D are "for the purpose of raising blisters", click here.  The hole paddle,  pictured below, can give you such a thorough spanking that you will be a good, obedient boy for a remarkably long time.  The link gives complete construction details
The hole paddle (for self-application) 
construction details 
The hairbrush hole paddle (for one doing it to another) 
construction details 
    Of particular value is the teardrop paddle below, which is for quick, hard and heavy smacks on the bare bottom.  It has a sort of higher world shape. 
The teardrop paddle 
construction details 
The hairbrush paddle is very handy to have around.  Justice is swift. 
The hairbrush paddle 
construction details 
The Apitong paddle has unique value.  A meat tenderizer. 
The Apitong Paddle 
construction details 
        Paddling as punishment is applied usually to the bare bent bottom, and the experience is best if you are resting over something, not simply bent over.  Here the object of choice is the Japanese meditation seat.  
The Meditation Seat 
construction details 
        Okay, here’s how to get a good one.  Place yourself behind the meditation seat so that the high side is toward you.  Pull down your pants at least halfway down your thighs, and get over the seat so that your bottom is conveniently placed, and positioned so that it cannot squirm out of the way.  If you are male, you will find there is plenty of room for the male equipment in the hollow frame of the seat. 
The actual punishment is applied without pants or underwear. 
        A proper spanking requires that the hips be draped over something -- the arm of a stuffed armchair for example -- so that the skin of the buns is stretched taut, the skin pores held submissively open until the spanking is finished.  An order such as “hold your skin pores open until I’ve finished,” establishes acceptance of spanking authority, whether you’re doing it to yourself or another. 
        Assuming you are right-handed, rest the back part of the left upper arm from the shoulder to the elbow on the floor, twist around slightly and grip the self-applied paddle with the right hand.  Grasp the back of the meditation seat with your left hand.  Place the paddle on the bottom, right where the spank will land.  Now raise the paddle in the air and give the buns an arm-swing, wrist-action smack!, right on the sweet spot.  Then give them another.  Around five units should bring you to the punishment point, but this is subjective.  That it is actually at that point should be a matter of honor.  So also with each punishment unit.  There should never be more than seven units in total.  Remember that the paddle does more damage than you think -- you will become aware of that later in the day and week.  One of the ways that spanking discipline works is that we remember it when we sit down.  There is a natural tendency to repress punishment, and these constant reminders are really very corrective. 
        Sometimes when you’re getting a hard one (6 or 7), the whacks tend to get attacked by the adversary, and caused to be ill-placed and glancing -- not punishing heartily and squarely as they should.  Yet, if you repeat them the punishment can become crazy and fanatical.  If this is a problem, I recommend a prayer for protection
        Growing up is not the end of getting it -- it is the end of that peculiar institution of childhood called “getting away with.”  Discipline is such a universal need that the pun “kneed” is probably intentional.  There is much pressure upon older children to become independent, and this is indeed why they are disciplined less and less as they get older and older.  But not being dependent on the parent is often assumed to include not being dependent upon discipline, and that can be a fatal error.  In order to not be a baby any more, they’re throwing out the b’thwatter with the baby. 
        The desire to be a good person is there in everyone, and often the lack of punitive discipline is the only reason why the state of goodness is not realized.  That we can be good without it is basically delusional.  Moreover, the subconscious mind is a creature of reason, and will avoid punished behaviors because there is a good reason to. 
        Punishment is not best thought of as justice or retribution.  The best way to look at it is from the standpoint of behavior modification science: noxious stimuli paired with unwanted behaviors, for the purpose of bringing about subconscious and unconscious aversion to those behaviors, over time.  It is one of the basic ways by which behavior is controlled, whether the control is by self or other.  When we punish we are trying to induce a degree of pause for consideration when that person is tempted to again commit the transgression.  It is the degree appropriate for that person, in that state of moral growth, with that history of behavior, and “punished enough” consists in that degree having been induced. 
        There are important differences between this discipline and parenting.  For one thing, because you yourself are the discipliner as well as the disciplined, it is omniscient.  There is no longer any such thing as getting away with something.  For another, and this is very important, the discipline can be applied not only to outward behavior, but also to the inner, unseen behavior of the mind. 
Punishment Units 
        A spanking is defined as the amount of smacking which brings the behind to the punishment point.  That’s where you start to say, “Yes sir or ma’am.”  Because you really don’t want any more.  When the rear end has been brought to that point, then punishment with the paddle can be very easily applied, according to how bad one has been.  It is good to spank to the punishment point  
periodically (every 2 to 6 weeks -- you will find your own interval), if only for “general purposes”, to keep you in the right spirit of the discipline.  If you adopt this way, you'll probably find that you shouldn't go more than six weeks without one, until, after years, you are firmly established in the discipline.  The more you go without it, the more you are grouped with other people who do not get it, and they're not as good an influence. 
         In paddle-spanking, one swat on one day often does not equate to the same swat on another day.  The flesh in question is like the surface of the ocean; its conditions can vary greatly from day to day.  The same whack can be barely felt on one day, and really hurt on another. 
        In our self-applied ways of discipline, therefor, we use the punishment unit, rather than the whack, as the basic factor.  (A punishment unit is defined as five of them bringing you to the punishment point.)  To determine a unit, you spank it until, by subjective judgement, as accurate as you can sincerely be, you can say, on your honor, “There.  That’s one unit.”  Then you continue until you can truthfully say, “There.  That’s two units.” 
        The number of units is generally predetermined, either by a code, or by your self-parenting reaction to the behavior you are punishing. 
Going Across the Knees 
         Somehow there is nothing like going over the knees, for making a spanking be as it should.  It is archetypal.  When you are over the thigh-tops, being spanked, something feels just exactly right, and all of the good parts of the punishment -- taking the lesson to heart and all that -- seem to be enhanced and more powerful.  And when the possibility of that is a constant, real, and immanent threat, behavior will improve, because going over the knees is so nice, and has such attractions about it, that the threat is realer, and requires a lot less will power. 
         The good news is that fully grown people are by no means too big for this.  And the situation can easily be simulated with an end table and two 3/8-inch yoga mats rolled up and stuffed into the legs of an old pair of dungarees from the top. 
         You go over them and apply the principles you have already learned about self-applied paddling (always on the bare bottom, remember), and you’re not going to forget that right away.  Much to your surprise, this does not feel contrived or unnatural.  You don’t feel silly; you feel like, “Oh no, here I am again.  Over them and getting one.” 
         And if you are alone, and the mind starts to wander during meditation or whatever, or you start to permit impure thoughts, all you have to do is think of that equipment, being there, in the other room.  The behavior will improve.  Because you can take that little brat into the other room by his ear any time you want, and put him over them and spank him.  I don’t care how big he is. 
         The mats I’m using measure 24¼” X 71”.  Though they are sold as ½”, they’re really just shy of 3/8 of an inch.  Rolled up, they measure 6 inches in diameter.  The table is 17” wide, 22” long, and 22” high.  This works well for me, and I am 5-foot seven and three quarters inches tall, and weigh about 140 pounds. 
         For details on the table's construction, click here
         You may use this technique in your self-discipline.  If challenged by usurpers on the claim that you have submitted to another, you may demand that they leave you, affirming that it is self-discipline, and not submission.  If they are difficult to expel, you may refer them to me.  I am Supposedtobedube, the founder of Unism, which can be found as book III of this website, "The Unist Religion". 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     The The Babysitter Robot 
         This technique will improve your behavior.  It brings you back to when your “disc” was originally formatted, and deepens your discipline-fear.  You should have the table, the pants-stuffed-with-yoga-mats, and preferably the apitong paddle, from the above text. 
         In addition, you will need a small, powerful, portable computer speaker, such as the iwave model SP58045 (iBS045), pictured below, costing about $25, and an mp3 recorder/player of some sort. 
         When you are going to get one, turn on the recording and play it quite loud through the portable speaker.  Then you simply obey it, as you would if you were a small child being given one. 
         The mp3 given here: to play or download, click here is meant as an example.  I’m sure you will want to record your own, and tweak it to your preference.  
The State of the Art 
         Reflecting on how this way of self-discipline has evolved, the following is how a person committed to the way would apply hard spanking to make himeslf behave: he would possess himeslf of the following equipment: 
         01.  The table 
         02.  The dungarees with yoga mats stuffed into the legs 
         03.  The apitong paddle 
         04.  The light paddle given with the apitong 
         05.  The babysitter robot 
         When the apitong paddle is properly used, i.e., a spanking is 5 punishment units, and up to 2 additional units are applied, depending on the behavior being punished, and your discipline is such that you are getting such treatment about once a week for 3 or 4 weeks, the behind will enter the tenderized condition. 
         In the tenderized contition, you reach a point at which to continue with the apitong would be an act of sadomasochism, and you have to switch to the light paddle. 
         This tenderized condition lasts a long time.  If you go 2 - 3 weeks without getting any, you will find that you can take one, two, three or more whacks with the apitong, before having to switch.  The longer you go, the more apitong you can take. 
         There is something almost magical about this condition.  I believe that it is God-intended, for those who use spanking as their behavior-control discipline.  In this condition, a good spanking with the light paddle will make your buttocks, to deep within the musculature, feel like they are on fire, and you stand there and hurt for a minute or so, thinking "ahhhhhhhhhhh!
         Man -- does that make you behave.  The other magical part is that you only notice the tenderized condition when you are getting a spanking.  At other times, it’s perfectly normal. 
         Regular spankings of this kind will improve your behavior.  The result of one of them is that the punishment reception area becomes exquisitely vulnerable and punishable.  After the spanking with the light paddle, if it has been decided that there will be a punishment, the punishment can given with the apitong or the light paddle, depending.  Not more than two smacks. 
         When the way has been internalized, such that it actually is your way of contrtolling yourself (which does involve becoming dependent upon it), you are in a position to control your initiative, your behavior, and your destiny -- all cognitively. 
         Other than keeping your own rules, there are two other dimensions you can include: involving another in your discipline, either psychically or in real life, and forming the relationship with your own higher self resulting from applying the formula given at the end of this page, and on its own page here
        The next section will discuss some approaches to self-discipline involving spanking.  They are only suggestions; every reader is encouraged to find and/or devise his own ways.  You will get the most value from what you find on your own.  It’s important to nail down the ability to discipline yourself first, before including anyone else in the process, something which you may or may not wish to do later on.  That way you’re never dependent upon another, and can always seize control of yourself.  Never become an abnegate of your responsibilities. 
         You should remember that the primary reason for spanking is always to make the person be a good boy or girl. 
For Applications of Spanking Discipline (click here
The Problem of This Way of Self-Control Being Interpreted as Submission (click here
Psychic Discipline and the Garden Path 
         A good spanking story or youtube video can be inspirational, and actually help you to behave well.  But it’s hard to find a good one anymore -- 99% of the stuff on the web has degenerated into garden-path erotica.  You will find some nice clean ones here
        Many people become obsessed with spanking.  These are people who need to install it in their discipline, but have not found a way to do so.  I call them pre-installates.  Their higher selves are insisting that they need this, and so the preoccupation continues, and becomes abnormal.  Often the error is made that this is a form of sexual desire.  It is true that there are some who pervert, or “kink” the hormonal modality into a wrongful, sinful reproductive sexuality, in which control is lost and the semen spills (always unfortunate; semen is very valuable and the spiller will generally be wiped out for that day). 
        Once spanking has actually been installed, the unhealthy preoccupations stop, and the situation begins to evolve toward normalcy -- just as it is in children.  But especially for young people, control is a problem.  All young men have the dharma of struggling to contain, and much prowess may be gained in the struggle -- useful in later life in the control of their children. 
        Many have spanking relationships in their fantasy and/or psychic lives.  This is so common that it is usually referred to as the “garden path” -- a trail well-worn by frequent traversing.  The area of such fantasy relationships is a jungle, stalked by the tigers of impersonation seeking the innocent Moglis whom they may devour.  Even those who have made some progress in getting control of the organ will usually spill if they imagine themselves across the knees of another individual, due to giving some of their control to the other person. 
        There is a subtle modality which precedes the preparation to emit semen in sex.  It is distinct and discernible.  The entry into it is the point at which the arousal should be terminated by the abstainer.  If you proceed further, you have gone too far.  Those abstainers who do proceed further, and arrest the process at a later point, are being incorrect.  They are engaging in a perversity, and will after a time display an oily, snake-like aura.  For more on handling sex, click here
        Fight the good fight.  Many young people have found it valuable to chart their lapses  This serves to objectify them and enable more control to be brought to bear.  Make a horizontal calandar -- simply open a spiral-wound notebook and turn it so that the lines go up and down.  Each line is a day.  Mark the month and day (6/1) and then continue (2,3,4... all the way to 30, then 7/1.  Each day there is a spill, make a black dot, and on the line below, describe the circumstances which provoked it. 
        After a couple of months, record the average frequency (per week for example).  Go for a reduction of one in the frequency per week, or per 10-day period or whatever.  After that reduction is nailed down, go for another one.  
Relationships with Others 
         The dynamics of spanking relationships with others vary a bit from one age-level to another.  For some thoughts on that, click here
         Lifetime monogamy is the basis of most of the world’s leading cultures.  Divorce is the veriest rot of a culture; yet we have seen more and more of it.  Children are being deprived of the rock-solid security of extended family -- this is my mommy, this is my daddy, these are my brothers and sisters, these are my grandparents, my aunts and uncles, my cousins, my nieces and nephews.  This is who I am. 
         A divorce is a broken promise; a broken word.  I take this partner to be my lawful wedded spouse, for better or worse, until death do we part.  And every sentient being in the cosmos can count upon us staying together for one short human lifetime until one of us is dead, because we are man and woman of our word. 
         Why is this?  Boys are set up like bowling pins; very easy to knock over, and all too often many of them are indeed knocked over, leading to unwanted pregnancies, bad marriages, and eventually the rot of divorce. 
         For boys and girls both, I recommend that instead of featuring fornication in dating and courtship, they defer reproductive activity until after they have taken the marriage vow.  That vow, with its assumption of the responsibilities of husband and wife, father and mother, is what makes a boy a man and a girl a woman -- not reproduction activity. 
         To replace the dynamic, loving bond of coitus which might attract many, I offer a way to use the equipment of this website to have bonding relationships in real life, which are virtually equally dynamic and possibly of an even stronger bond.  I think that most unmarried but no longer parented people have these relationships on the phychic plane anyway, and that they generally lead to the garden path and frequent loss of control of the generative function, as the young person struggles to attain self-mastery. 
         The equipment featured on this website -- the table, the dungarees with yoga mats stuffed into the legs, the apitong paddle, and the babysitter robot -- enable one to carry on a disciplinary relationship by email, by telephone, or even in person.  Even if the discipliner is physically present, it is more accurate for the spanked person to self-apply, since only he knows when one unit has been effected, when two, when five, and etc.  The condition of the behind varies from day to day; it can be anything from very sensitive to very tough.  Only the receiver knows just what degree of punishment is being delivered. 
         Using this method, the receiver is placed on his honor.  “Do you agree, on the honor by which you are honored in life, to not call a unit a unit until it is a unit?”  (A punishment unit being defined such that 5 of them will produce the “yes sir” condition, in which you really, really do not want any more.  You are spanked.  Five units bring one to the punishment point.  Up to that point it can be merely disciplinary, but the sixth and seventh units are punitive -- they do a certain amount of controlled damage.) 
        The receiver agrees.  “Take your pants and underwear off and get over the knees.”  (The receiver does so.)  “Now give yourself a five-unit spanking.”  Then the disciplined person smacks his behind until he can truthfully say, on his character and honor, “Okay, that’s one unit.  That’s two units.”  Etc., until the five have been administered and he is genuinely at the punishment point.  If five do not bring him to that point, he continues until he is there. 
         If there is then to be punishment, the discipliner explains why the punishment is being given, then he says, “Give it one more unit,” or “Give it two more units.”  Seven is the maximum on any given day, the five-unit spanking plus two punishment whacks.  If more than two are to be administered, you have to wait one or two days, then give another spanking plus the additional punishment whacks. 
         Since the severity is on the honor and character of the self-administrator, the discipliner can be reasonably confident that the recipient has gotten what he has been given. 
         Alternatively, a discipliner could simply say, by email, telephone, or in person, “Turn on the babysitter robot.” 
         Boys and girls who are no longer parented and not yet married should have such relationships with people that their heart chooses, and get their dynamic bonding in this way instead of in sinful pre-marital sex. 
         For young people, particularly in their thirties, these relationships can be an important part of the identity quest, which involves bringing out facets of one's transcarnate identity that one's upbringing has not brought out -- a common need, especially if the upbringing has involved siblings, making identity a scarce commodity. 
         It is sometimes interesting to make agreements over a specified period of time, that one person can do it to another whenever he wants.  These should be progressive.  Do it for a week before committing to a month.  Then three months, then six, then a full year. 
         If you are a bit shy, there is an anecdote illustrating an alternate approach here
The Discipline Contract 
        After the self-discipline has been installed and become normal, other people may be included, if you both want to.  You should never actually depend upon another, and you should always be able to let such relationships go without disruption. 
        There is a danger here.  You are a great big grown up boy now, and responsible for your own behavior.  You must not abnegate that responsibility.  For this reason, and to avoid misunderstandings, relationships of this kind must be governed by agreement, preferably in the form of a written contract.  I am providing a discipline contract as an example; please feel free to use it as it is, or to adapt it however you wish.  This is a spiritual teaching and is given to you feely, without any obligation on your part, even of attribution.  Click here for the discipline contract
         In addition, when two people are going to engage in this relationship, I recommend a menage a cinq kirtan
Relationship with Your Higher Self 
How to Get Your Higher Self to Spank You 
(The Self-Hypnosis Technique) 
        The technique I am about to describe is extremely powerful.  I stumbled upon it in the course of experiment, and did not put it on the web for a long time because its effects are so profound.  I did not want to entice people into blithely wandering into a path that could alter their lives, and even their current series of lives. 
        The use of this technique has given me an increased degree of soul-realization.  (I think, however, that for this to occur, a certain degree of at-one-ment with cosmic law is probably requisite.  To review techniques for achieving that state, click here.) 
         It has also gotten for me what every boy wants, in that I will be spanked and punished for any misbehavior for which any boy ought to be punished. 
        I now regard spanking as disciplinary rather than punitive. A spanking simply prepares the area in question to receive punishment.  It proceeds to the punishment point (“Yes sir, please sir.”), where you really, really don’t want any more because it has become so sore, and then punishment is applied with the paddle, right on the sore place, how hard depending on how bad you were. 
        If it is merely disciplinary, it only proceeds to the punishment point, while you are using four key pieces of equipment -- the apitong paddle, the light paddle, the yoga-mat-in-dungarees setup, and the babysitter robot.  If you can’t get apitong, go for the hole paddle. 
        Before giving the technique, I want to call the attention of your higher self to the profound consequences on a transcendental level.  This is something that your higher self/buddha self might well prefer that you have in a different lifetime. 
        That said, I will now give the technique, which involves a self-hypnosis formula that I got from and present here with the permission of that site. 
        This formula is a very benign form of self-hypnosis, in that it proceeds slowly, over seven weeks, giving you the option to stop whenever you want, if you develop a reservation.  I have used it many times over the years, and my experience of it is that a year or two later you observe some way that you are, and say, “That’s funny.  That’s exactly what I programmed with that self-hypnosis exercise.” 
The Technique 
         Follow these instructions exactly.  If you deviate from them, if you alter one word, you are on your own, and it's your own responsibility completely.  The only exception is that a female may use the word ‘girl instead of the word ‘boy.  
        Fashion your suggestion.  It must be positive, with no negative words, short, between 6 and 15 words, meaningful, (this is what you really want to happen), possible, (Something you can achieve.  Avoid absolutes and time limits.), and focused (tackle one suggestion at a time, not a laundry list of wishes.) 
        The suggestion to be used in this exercise is: “My higher self spanks me and makes me obey whenever any boy should be spanked.” 
        This exercise takes 8 weeks.  It is to be performed for one lunar cycle (a cycle is around 30 days), plus three weeks, beginning one week before the full moon.  Let’s say the full moon is on October 27, 2015 PST, and the following full moon is on November 25, 2015 PST.  The first day of programming would be on October 20 (one week before the October full moon on the 27th).  It would continue through the last day, December 2 (one week after the November full moon on the 25th), cease for seven days, and then, on December 10, resume for seven days, thereupon ceasing altogether. 
        You always begin exactly one week before the full moon, continue to one week after the next full moon, stop for a week, and then resume for a week.   
Do the programming three times a day; 
        1. When you wake up in the morning (as soon as possible after awakening): 
        2. In the middle of the day, best just after lunch if you can find a time and place where you will be left alone and quiet. 
        3. Just before going to sleep at night. 
        Each time, find a place where you can relax and be by yourself.  Write the suggestion down on a piece of paper, in clear, legible handwriting.  Write it as though you were writing to your best friend or your love.  Concentrate and write slowly thinking about the meaning of the words as you write each of them. 
        Read the Message aloud to yourself.  Listen to yourself, and to your words.  Think clearly about their meaning.  Then sit or lie comfortably.  Find something to look at, something to focus on.  (A mandala is good).  Take three deep breaths, letting yourself relax all over.  Feel all the stress and tension leaving your body with each exhalation.  Breath in calm, breath out tension. 
        Close your eyes and hold the last breath for at least 10 seconds then slowly let it all out, letting all the tension in all of your muscles flow outward with that last exhalation. 
        Now you are very relaxed, and breathing evenly and smoothly, and you begin to count backwards from 5 to 1.  As you count you feel yourself relaxing deeper and deeper with each and every breath you take, with every number you count.  When you reach the count of 1, feel yourself drop quickly and deeply into a very comfortable and relaxed state of mind.  Now begin to say, in your mind, not out loud, the words you wish to program into your subconscious.  Repeat this phrase 20 times. 
        To help you keep count, each time you say the phrase, move the tip of a finger to the tip of your thumb.  Start with the index finger of the right hand.  Move it to the tip of the thumb of the right hand and say the phrase.  Then touch the tip of the middle finger to the tip of the thumb and say the phrase again.  Then the ring finger, then the little finger and open the right hand on the fifth count.  Repeat this with the left hand then start all over again to complete the twenty repetitions.  Don’t hurry.  Go slow.  Go deep. 
        After you have mastered the process, it becomes fairly automatic and you don’t have to pay too much attention to either the hand movements or the words themselves.  This might take a few days.  As you improve, begin to focus on relaxing deeper and deeper, drifting away, just letting yourself completely relax.  You can hear your own words in your mind and soon you will find you can think other things at the same time you are saying the words you have memorized and repeated so many times. 
        When you reach this level (don’t hasten this process, just take your time, you might do this for a week or two before you feel comfortable with the next stage), when you find yourself able to think of other things, begin to parallel the suggestion with the following thoughts: 
        1. “Each and every word you hear me say takes you deeper and deeper into a very beneficial state of relaxation.” 
        2. “You can hear my words giving you suggestions, these suggestions will make your life better and happier.” 
        3. “Each and every time I do this exercise the effect is stronger and more beneficial.  The suggestion is helping improve my life more and more as I move deeper and deeper during the exercises.” 
The Moral Code 
         Here is a 57-part moral code.  You are free to adopt any or all of the points as you wish, to apply either to your own self-discipline, or to your descipline relationships: 
01. Right understanding 
02. Right motives 
03. Right speech 
04. Right behavior 
05. Right livelihood 
06. Right effort 
07. Right mindfulness 
08. Right contemplation 
09. Trustworthy 
10. Loyal 
11. Helpful 
12. Friendly 
13. Courteous 
14. Kind 
15. Obedient (promptly, cheerfully, well, and in the spirit of the behest.) 
16. Cheerful 
17. Thrifty 
18. Brave 
19. Clean 
20. Reverent 
21. Truthful 
22. Wholesome 
23. Fair to all 
24. Innocent 
25. Resolute and Completitive 
26. Diligent 
27. Not stealing or usurping 
28. Having proper humiliy 
29. No moping or dawdling 
30. Not improperly injurious 
31. Honest 
32. No speaking evil of others 
33. No sulking or sullenness 
34. No thrusting of hips or wrongful tactile stimulation 
35. No acting like a brat 
36. No disrespect, flippancy, or sassing 
37. No scamping 
38. No sneakiness or improper evasiveness 
39. No petty, small-minded complaining 
40. Considerate (not inconsiderate) 
41. Dutiful 
42. Manifesting the compassion of the great vehicle 
43. Renunciation (not taking it all so seriously) 
44. Freedom from the passion for honors 
45. Modest 
46. Taking proper rewards and punishments to heart 
47. Toward rather than froward 
48. Sincere 
49. Rejecting or transmuting a temptation quickly enough 
50. Not impure in thought or deed 
51. Free from selfishness 
52. Above all hardness of heart 
53. Above petty resentment 
54. Attentive during prayer, chanting, or meditation 
55. Non offense-taking 
56. Not disingenuous 
57. No acting out 
Preserving This Website if it Disappears Due to my Death 
        If should disappear due to my death, I give blanket permission for anyone to restore it to the web, as long as nothing is changed.  All of the downloads are embedded in the program. You can use a different URL, but you should obtain the program EasyWebEditor from Visual Vision.  This is the program by which I created the site, and have kept it running through the years.  It is easy to use, comes with a manual, and enables one to create and maintain a website without any knowledge of coding whatsoever.  It converts PDF or Rich Text into hypertext.  The website file is located here.  Google will tell you the file is too big to scan for viruses.  Tell it to download anyway.  This website is updated several times a year, so if you are interested in the preservation, be sure to update your version of the website file six times a year. 
I have been using a separate website for the ebook downloads.  The ebook download website is located here.  The ebooks are not imbedded in the website file as yet (they are too big), but the files for both versions are available at Google Drive.  The URL's are below. 
EBooksReader version ebook file 
The EBooksReader free download is available here
Desktop version ebook file      (This is for the desktop version, which does not require the ebook reader.) 
Both versions were created with EBooksWriter, available for purchase here
Contacting the Soul of the Author: 
        Here are instructions for contacting my soul, for as long as any copy of this text shall endure on Earth.  Make a placard, at least letter-sized, and on it print neatly in your own hand or by a printer, the following script: 
        Place this placard in your bedroom before going to sleep for the night.  In front of it place a blue glass votive holder with an eight or twelve-hour votive candle in it.  The blue should be as dark as possible.  Light the candle, and think that you are acknowledging that you are supposed to be a dube (one who responds properly to the admonition “Do be a good little boy.” or “Do be a good little girl.”)  This acknowledgement remains in effect as long as the candle is lit, and it should continue to burn all night, or until the candle is consumed.  By this method, my soul will be contacted, and my spirit will come into you.  Don’t worry -- I’m not possessive.  
        Giving this method of contact is my way of taking full responsibility for these revelations, for as long as they continue to affect the world.  I take the responsibility in the name of Supposedtobedube, my spiritual designation.  I am the only individual who bears that name in this Day of Braham. 
         Alternatively, you may enter my de facto system by the method found here
Duplicating and Disseminating this Text 
        The text of this website may be downloaded, duplicated, and disseminated, in any of the ways that this can be done, as long as it is not altered in any way.  Other sites are at liberty to link to this site.  It is my hope that this message spread and be preserved, but always presented in such a way that those who would want to find it will find it, and those who would prefer to be unaware of it are easily able to remain unaware of it. 
         The ways that I give in this book are not for everybody, and none of us is in a position to judge whether they are appropriate for another, for the simple reason that you have no knowledge of the previous 50 incarnations of that person, or any intimation of what his next 50 will be like.  We should try to have the experiences that our Buddha selves would want us to in any given life, and not impinge upon the prerogatives of our future incarnations.  Still less upon the prerogatives of another. 
The Essence of Spanking Discipline 
         Our destiny, life to life, depends on our behavior.  Our behavior is 90% controlled by our subconscious.  The subconscious responds best to spanking discipline. 
         The area can become very confused, what with the devil and all.  The key to carry you through the confusion is a commitment to right motivation. 
         Right motivation in spanking is always to make the boy be a good boy.  (Females pronounce boy ‘girl.) 
         Book II, which follows, is a system of devotion also intended to make you be a good boy.  To get to Book II, click here
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