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How Grownups Can Use Spanking in Their Personal 
Discipline Without Disrupting Their Life Games 
     One of the reasons why grownups do not use spanking discipline is that if you get a spanking, often you meet heavy currents of not being taken seriously, and this can disrupt your life games. 
     This can handled by scheduling.  Example: you are praying, chanting or meditating, and your mind begins conducting its own affairs (planning, problem-solving, etc.)  So you (the soul) put it (the mind) over your knees, pull down its pajama-bottoms, and say, “You stop doing that or you’ll get one.” 
     Then, if it misbehaves, you say, “Smack!”  At the end of the meditation, chant, or prayer, you put that smack in your organizer, noting the reason.  When you have 1 to 4 of them, you know you need to get one, the next time it’s convenient.  This might not be for a week or more -- just the next day that you have a light day, and it would not be so disruptive to your life-games.  The opinion others have of you is short-lived, and, as William Hazlitt pointed out, largely based on clothing. 
     When it’s finally convenient to get one, you follow the instructions in the “how to get a spanking on this website” section in the index at the top of the website’s first page.  First you review the smacks in the organizer, getting a good grasp of why you’re getting each one.  Then you spank your behind until you really really don’t want any more.  When it’s good and tender, then you administer the punishments -- one smack for each incident, hard. 
     You may find that your mind becomes more responsive to the control of the soul.  This scheduling way makes you easier to toast, so you behave better, and you're easier to control. 
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