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On Handling Sex
Many of the self-spanking situations on this website can produce hormonal activity (mostly from estrogen) and accidently activate the reproductive system, placing one into a sexual mode.
The first thing to do is to sit upright in meditation posture with spine erect, for five minutes. This allows the kundalini energy, which has gathered in the lower chakras, producing the sexual modality, to rise naturally like smoke. Not encountering a kink in the spine, it will not double back on itself and return to the lower chakra area. If the hormonal gland has become distended, remove pants and underware and do the sitting upright on a chair or on a meditation seat, being careful to keep the gland from contact with anything (including the floor).
While you are in this position, heck -- you might as well meditate, If the capacity for sex is in you, the capacity for a good meditation is in you -- they are one and the same.
By thus choosing to not have sex, you may choose one of three rewards -- intellectual power, spiritual power, or personal attractiveness.
If you do not have some type of meditation that you do regularly, you might look over the meditations in this section.
There is much talk in the literature of spirituality about transmutaton of sex. This is an incomplete understanding. It is not that sex is transmuted; it is that the area in question is hormonal -- sex is only one of its dynamics.
That sex is a device for reproducing the species, and that everything in the area is for that purpose, is a simplistic notion. In reality, the hormonal area is very vast, and has many wonderful purposes. The mistake is like thinking that all of the sensing of aroma is a transmutation of sneezing.
Regeneration is a different dynamic of hormonality from sex; not a transmutation. It features the interstitial cells, acting as ductless glands.
Where sexuality is a problem, the key to control is to never allow the organ to enter the modality which precedes ejaculation. This is a distinct mode which can be sensed, and as soon as it is perceived, the practitioner has become “eighty-sex” and must immediately cease whatever is provoking the response. Behaviors such as pelvic thrusting or tactile stimulation pertain only to sex, and should be abjured by the hormonal experiencer. In the pure hormonal modality, neither semen nor spermatophytes ever enter the urinogenital tract.
When the semen of the hormonal modality is allowed to mature and is reabsorbed by the blood, nourishment of the other organs is not all that takes place. There is a metaphysical substance called “ojas” that is produced by the reabsorption. Ojas is stored in the cerebro-spinal system, particularly the brain. Yoga informs us that to run your nervous system without ojas is like operating your car without motor oil -- it will soon break down. The nervous system needs ojas to remain healthy, and this is one reason why the arousal activity of the hormonal gland should not be allowed to lapse; it should be maintained, and brought back if it has subsided.
Ojas gives us power in three areas; these are the intellect, the spirit, and the magnetic attractiveness of the body. Napoleon Hill, in his popular occult treatise, Think and Grow Rich, noted that successful men are invariably highly sexed. He almost got it right. Arousal is by no means necessarily sexual. The tantrics proclaim that the amount of ojas that a yogi has stored in his brain is the measure of his power.
If the normal occasional hormonal arousal of the organ has been disallowed or encouraged to lapse, it should be brought back, and here you will find two methods of restoring it.
William Walker Atkinson and Edward E. Beals, in their uniquely valuable treatise, “Regenerative Power or Vital Rejuvenation”, which is Book XII of their series Personal Power, at the time of this writing available on Kindle for $3.99, (search on Kindle for Atkinson and Beals, rather than the title) teach that the arousal dynamic, by which the human organism is supplied with ojas and possibly other substances that produce rejuvenation and revitalization, is not the only way by which these substances can be produced.
The teaching is that the hormonal gland acts as also a ductless gland, and secretes these substances directly into the blood. Personal power, they say, may be greatly increased, and the human organism strengthened and revitalized, by visualizing the gland as full of these substances, drawing them out with your mind, and sending them either throughout the entire organism or to a designated area you desire to rejuvenate, such as the brain.
This practice does not require any arousal whatsoever. Indeed, where there is arousal it is sapping your vitality, not augmenting it. It is said that this is an easy practice, and that the average person is perfectly well equipped for it. Imaginations designed to produce arousal should not be indulged -- the normal incidence of erection, largely caused subconsciously, enhances the practice, but is by no means necessary -- these are simply extra-good times to do it.
The book Personal Power is now also available for $0.99 on Kindle, included in a collection of Atkinson books, under the title, William Walker Atkinson Ultimate Collection -- 58 Books in One Volume, not to be confused with The Ultimate William Walker Atkinson Collection.
An Overview of Sex
In the wild, the male primates fight it out to determine which will be the dominant monkey. Before the outcome is determined, it is observed that the female monkeys form a circle about the eventual winner. Obviously, they have chosen.
A boy becomes a man when he marries, because a man is the other half of a woman. After he has been married about a year or two, the other boys look at each other, and one of them says, “Well -- he’s whipped.” Yes, dear.
Testosterone loves to dominate, but the real truth is, estrogen crushes it. Why is this? Estrogen loves to yield, and submit, and so it does, and as a result of always doing so, creates an imbalance, drawing its opposite -- ascendency. And the meek shall inherit the earth.
A whipped man begins to think of himself the way the female sees him. As a being whose importance is centered in his sex organ, who must compulsively have his way with her, which, of course, most gratifies estrogen, and who must have sex.
She dominates. And if her domination prevails, then this is the prevailing view of males. That they must compulsively succumb to sex. You find groups of uncultivated males overtly glorying in the conceit that this is their nature, and overemphasizing the male sex mechanism.
The assumption is extended to male children, and adolescents are expected to masturbate, because, of course, they must compulsively succumb to sex. It is their nature. According to the female view. And the female view dominates.
But this is a falseness, and a great big honkin' incorrect race habit. A noble person must firmly pull himself out of it. Yoga philosophy is quite clear in this area. The sex function depletes every other system of the organism, and the ideal of the self-mastered man is to use sex only for reproduction.
East and West view the dragon differently. The Orient sees it as something positive and desirable, a bringer of good fortune. Because the view of the Orient is yin, or female. That of the West is yang, or male, and the West sees the dragon as something to conquer, that we must struggle with, and overcome.
The Western myth is that the dragon captures lady fair, coils his serpentine form about her, gnashes his great teeth, breathes forth smoke and fire, and holds her captive. If the white knight in shining armor is to rescue her, the dragon must be conquered and slain.
This is the ideal. The heroic man gets control of the sex function, and uses it at his discretion. And the serpent obeys him, not only in his own body, but in the bodies of others, in whom it has not been mastered.
And so, every boy has this task, of doing battle with the serpent and its temptations. It’s a fight. It will keep beating you up until you beat it up.
That boys are expected to masturbate is a false, depraved, ignoble notion. When they succumb to it they have fallen, and must continue their struggle to gain control. A religion which has degenerated into a power system, as most of them do, will covertly encourage adolescents to masturbate, because this has become a dependable power source for the clergy. They talk a good game, but behind the scenes they are gleefully influencing the young men to succumb to the female view of males, and periodically fall.
The noble nature has become quite rare.
The dawning of hormonality in young males is generally in the area of spanking. Their parents do not spank them anymore, and they begin to miss it, and since the situation of being spanked is quite estrogenic, the hormones are aroused.
Right about then the devil takes a hand, and encourages the misdirection of the hormonality into sex. “Why are we doing this,” asks the boy. “Trust me,” says the voice. If the devil has his way, the phenomenon of “kinky sex” begins to be manifest. The natural hormonality is kinked, or misdirected, into an unnatural and wrongful solitary sexuality. After a time, the young person is locked into the habitual pattern, the so-called “garden path”. It’s a fight. Noble nature against fallen nature.
Spanking is archetypal. It is more archetypal than parenting, because it is built into the form. It is the most usual and God-intended way for the correction of error. It is part of the divine plan that there be a way of return from sinful error, a way that is both attractive and fun. This reflects the great love He has for us.
We need its discipline. The need is so universal that it explains the word-play of “kneed”. And so, thoughts of it will arise, and in most cases, in adolescents this will bring the danger of the garden path.
Now on the one hand, this is a necessary control, that an incorrectly rapid growth may not ensue. A growth that is too rapid is not fulsome. There is a right rate. On the other hand, the dynamic of the garden path tends to be wrongly emphasized and exaggerated by enthusiastic, power-hungry clergy. Or sometimes power-hungry parents. It is too bad. In some cases, they should get this power by continuing to spank their children, through late adolescence right into the twenties. (The hairbrush is used after the thirteenth birthday; paddles after the eighteenth.) That would do them some good. But if has been allowed to lapse for too long, it might well be wisest to not re-institute it. This is a parental call.
Most of the websites that pertain to spanking consider it a form of sex, and you even see the term used as a euphemism for masturbation. It is overwhelmingly implied that thoughts of spanking are an intention to become sexual. This is alarming.
It is this distorted overemphasis which prompts me to give the following two keys, which can be helpful in the dragon-fight of the garden path.
The first key is to sit upright in meditation posture. When we do this, the kundalini energy that has gathered in the lower chakras, which govern the sex function, begins to rise, and we find that soon we are no longer so preoccupied with hormonally influenced thoughts.
If sex is in you, the potential for a good meditation is in you, and it can be used for either purpose.
The other key is to advantage the hormonality for the purpose of distributing ojas, the vital energy which is active in hormonality, but which is usable for many other purposes as well.
For example, if you are sexually tempted, you may choose one of three rewards for abstaining. These are intellectual power, spiritual power, and personal attractiveness.
Visualize and feel the vital energy rising from the hormonal organ and its area, while mentally uttering in a sort of cadence as you breathe in a deep breath, “Ojas and the other regenerative substances, to the brain and nervous system,” visualizing and feeling the energy flowing to the brain on the inbreath.
Or: “Ojas and the other regenerative substances, into the system generally, to increase my personal attractiveness to _________,” specifying the sort of person you wish to attract. Visualize and feel the energy flowing into the body generally, and spreading all over it. You may also become generally more attractive, without specifying anyone.
Or: “Ojas and the other regenerative substances, into the system generally, to increase my intellectual power.” Or you might choose spiritual power.
Or: “Ojas and the other regenerative substances, to the pineal gland.” If you send it to the pineal gland, located in the middle of the brain and shaped like a pine tree, it will greatly improve your visuals. Everyone bemoans the fact that the pineal gland in adults is less than half the size of that in small children (which explains their vivid imaginings), but the pineal gland is a gland. It expands and contracts as all glands do, notably the so-called “sex organ”. If you give the pineal gland ojas, it will get larger.
The tantrics say that the measure of a yogi’s power is the amount of ojas that he has stored in his brain. Any area of your system which is having trouble, may be aided by distributing ojas to it.
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