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Index of Interesting Sections 
Correct View of Life 
Discipline Contract 
The Eightfold Path     
Fantasy Section      
Handling Sex 
How I Became Such a Good Boy 
How I Got the Compassion of the Great Vehicle 
How to Get a Spanking on This Website 
Hand Spanking with Affirmation 
Moral Code    
Psychological Backdrop 
My Conjecture as to How I Got Here 
The Self-Motivation Vehicle 
Why We are Still Parented 
The Self-Control That Uses Spanking 
The Characteristics of the Divine Nature (from Bhagavad Gita) 
The Bodhic Way 
The Hare Krishna Mantra 
The Klim Krishnaya Mantra 
How Grownups Can Use Spanking Without Disrupting Their Lives 
Menage a Cinq Kirtan 
Beaming In 
Finding the True Christean Teachings 
Kama Gayatri Mantra 
Levels of Strictness