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     The universe blinks on and off -- for billions of years it exists (a Day of Braham), then for billions of years it does not exist (a Night of Braham).  When there is to be a universe, the Godhead, who is One, puts forth from the One a duality, which is Yang and Yin, or Krishna and Rama.  From this duality the universe springs. 
     Krishna and Rama are eternally the parents of every life form in the universe.  Rama is the Divine Mother, the source of all of the mother-love in the universe, forever and ever.  She loves unconditionally, even when Her loveable babies have very dirty die-appears. 
     Parentedness is something we all have in common.  I suspect that the Godhead takes a hand in all of the parenting of children -- this is why all fathers are alike; all mothers are alike.  Krishna and Rama are our true parents.  The humans who parent us, the dad and mom, are only stand-ins, while we grow and unfold into enough independence that we are ready to confront reality more directly. 
     What parents do to children, the universe does to us anyway, but not so directly or rapidly.  You were naughty; over the thighs you go; here is your punishment.  When children receive the results of their actions in this manner, the consequences are gotten over with much much more rapidly and benignly correctively.  The universe is constantly doing that to us anyway, only much more slowly. 
     The point is -- we are parented indelibly.  The human parents are merely interpreting the universe to their children while they are busy growing and unfolding.  It is important to realize this, because there is that in parentedness which is very useful, as some actual children always discover. 
     The key to the universe is to be at one with its Source through consistency with the laws of that Source.  This is not very different from a kid who is being a good kid.  Same spirit, and similar behavior. 
     Sin -- infraction of the laws which underlie the reality in which we exist -- produces delusion -- a disfocusing upon the ludus (game) that we are playing, such that we enter a subset of the reality, finding at each level of inconsistency others who are equally deluded, so that our apprehensions of the falser reality seem to be confirmed. 
     Many actual children are to be observed in the grace state, kept so by parental discipline.  They are very fortunate.  The no-longer-parented can find this state as well, but if they have lost it it can be difficult to reattain. 
     Here is the point: that re-attainment can be greatly facilitated by a parenting-like discipline just as well in the no-longer-parented as it can in the still-parented.  The difference is that you yourself absolutely control the discipline, and can use that control to produce any level of grace that you desire. 
     Ultimately you are a cosmonaut in this cosmos.  You have appeared in it as an entity because your eternal individual self, your Buddha-self in Nirvana, has taken birth in it for purposes of his own. 
     As a soul, with thousands of incarnations, you have been born countless times as your Buddha-self carries out his play-intentions for your soul, in the context of his play-intentions with the other souls of the current series of souls that he is playing with as the action-figures on his bedroom floor in his house in Nirvana. 
     Parentedness can be played with Krishna and Rama, or it can be played with the Godhead in the mother-role, and the Buddha-self in the father role.  If you can see both Theism and Buddhism, this is better, since Krishna does not like so well to play the father-role for the no-longer-parented.  That would be contrary to his game, in which we are given free will, and make our mistakes and learn from them, and thus attain to wisdom. 
     What your Buddha-self is doing in the current series of incarnations is not formulaic -- it is between you and him, and for you to find out.  Everybody does more or less the same things, but by no means in the same order or in the same way. 
     To play the Buddha-self in the father role is to practice True Buddhism -- life is lived in the context of obedience to one's Buddha-self just as a child is obedient to his father.  How well one is able to do this hinges on the grace-state -- freedom from sin.  This is why Siddartha Gautama gave the eightfold path, which produces that state.  Our Hossface section sheds an interesting light on this.  A good illustration of proper attitude in the presence of our Divine Parents is found here.  To download the mp4, click here and select "save".  (from Star Trek the Next Generation, Season 6, Episode 3) 
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