On Christianity 
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On Christianity 
         For some essential background to this section, please click here.  There is a link there to return to this page. 
         As I survey the area known as Christianity, and note its falsenesses and contradictions, a question rises to mind: "What.  Has.  Happened.  Here?" 
         It is obvious that the set of teachings brought by Jesus of Galilee is official, and intended as a guiding light for the people of the era, even to the present day. 
         It is also obvious that the teachings make a special address to the hellbound, specifically, to the problem of escaping from that condition. 
         It is additionally obvious that the Christian religions do not represent that set of teachings very well, and indeed are largely "anti-Christ" in their practices. 
         This is what I surmise: 
         Christ taught direct relationship to Godhead.  To explicate -- God knows everything which is known in the universe.  He is at all times directly and immediately aware of you -- more so than you are.  Also, he is always on your side, sympathetic and concened.  You are never out of communication with Him, and He of course hears and understands everything you say to Him.  With sin, your awareness of His responses falters, but the responses are always there. 
         Therefore, you need not depend upon religions and temples.  Go to your bedchamber, and have your own relationship with Him. 
         To the rabbinate, this was a dangerous and incendiary doctrine.  No no, you got to come to us, and grovel on the floor, bringing us turtledoves and sweetmeats. 
         So they offed him.  When a movement began to spring up about the teachings, they moved rapidly to contain that movement, to usurp and misdirect it.  They sent their boy Saul of Tarsus in, and he began the misemphases which were to constitute the jewcrafted religion that became known as Christianity. 
         The purpose of that religion appears to be to divert the people from the teachings into an ersatz judaism, and to make the gentiles into three-quarter-sized jews that they could have it over. 
         The teachings that Christ brought are not a continuation of Judaism.  In his own words, the law and the prophets were until John.  No man putteth new cloth into an old garment. 
         That there be a religion based upon Christ’s teachings is a good idea -- I would like to see it done.  It’s never been tried, to my knowledge. 
         My feeling is that this part -- [Peter thou art a rock and upon this rock I build my church and the gates of hell shall not withstand it] -- was penciled in.  The utterance is not consistent with the other things Christ said.  The great big “gates of hell” is how it seems to the hellbound.  They only exist in the minds of those deluded from sin, and all that is necessary to escape them is to cease to commit the sins that produce the deluded state.  Forgiveness is part of the eternal nature of the Godhead -- no sacrifice was ever necessary. 
         That there be a gaudily-dressed hierarchy and a so-called “pope” is directly contrary to Jesus' teachings.  Not broaden the phylacteries, not be called rabbi, not be called father -- the spirit of it is that we are all equal brothers. 
         The truth is that nobody needs someone else to save him, and that nobody ever did or ever will, pay for your sins.  If you think that someone paid for your sins and saved you, your soul will become dispirited, and you will lack the will to progress. 
         If there were to be a religion about the Christean teachings, I would recommend a scriptural format consisting of the mythos of your ethnicity, followed by four books of the New Testament only -- Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, in English in the King James or Douay versions.  Throw out the flim-flam “Revelation”, meant to mesmerize and divert from the real teachings, throw out the so-called “Acts of the Apostles”, full of misdirection and misemphases, and do not present them in conjunction with the so-called Old Testament, (although the garden of Eden part of Genesis is certainly one of the world’s basic scriptures, and could be presented seperately along with other such basic scriptures, such as Ramayana.) 
         To find Christ's word, read Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John as scripture should be read -- with a suspension of didbelief, just as you would read a comic book, such as Donald Duck or Superboy.  If you read critically, you'll miss it.  Read as though you were reading for escape. 
         Other than that, be of the truth.  (For I am of the truth, and all who are of the truth hear my voice.)  If you are not of the truth, you will lack ears to hear.  The self-applied paddles of Book I can be helpful in making yourself more truthful. 
         What would a Christean-teachings religion look like?  How would it be?  It would provide religious services, and it would perform charitable works -- visit the sick, bury the dead, comfort the afflicted.  It would provide counseling. 
         All of this the religions of present-day Christianity largely do, and they do them very well, varyingly.  I commend them in this area. 
          But my point is that they are doing very poorly in how they convey the Christean teachings.  To begin with, having people define themselves as sinners is incorrect and contrary to what Christ taught.  Therefor be ye perfect, he said, as the Father in heaven is perfect. 
         The son of man came to bring sinners to repentance, he said.  This means that whatever sin you are committing, you stop doing that.  When you have accomplished this with all of the sins you are indulging, you will have departed from the sin state and delusion, and entered grace. 
         In a Christean church service, the scriptural part should always and only consist in quoting the sayings of Christ.  All of them.  A reasonable amount every week.  Five minutes. 
          Additionally, in Christean services, all of the sins should be described and explained, such that you cover all of them in a year.  I would recommend that you use the 57-part moral code to be found here for this purpose.  Bring the sinners to repentance. 
         With those two changes, any of the present-day Christian churches should do just fine. 
         Paul was a good man; many of his counsels are good.  He was a devout member of his Jewish sect, which taught resurrection of the dead.  But an exponent of Christ's way he was not.  Do not feature the Acts of the Apostles as scripture. 
         The incorrect notion that God required a sacrifice to forgive sin is a serious and regrettable slighting of the all-loving Being who is the source of all. 
         The present-day Christian churches seem to like to keep the people perpetually backsliding, always in the sin state but propped up by gratuitous graces, so that the power-system that degenerate religion constitutes can easily have it over them, harvesting their mind and soul-stuff. 
         A Christean religion would not permit divorce, excepting in case of adultery.  This is clearly stated in Christ's word.  (My way is even stricter.  I do not permit divorce at all, for it is based upon the giving of the word.  They may separate, but they may not marry another while the original partner still lives.) 
         Sin must be escaped, but repentance is not a very good way if you think of repentance as having sorrow.  When the sin-state has been entered, the seeming being, the ego, has become misaligned with its true soul, and has reverted to dependency upon group-soul, as the lower animals are.  You cannot feel sorrow for your sin, since you are not aligned with your true soul, which is the source of your feelings.  Instead, you are dependent upon whatever group-soul deigns to pump into you in the way of feeling. 
         All that is necessary is to demand of yourself that the sinful activity cease.  It can be done with discipline, and for many, the disciplinary methods of this website will be most effective.  God so made us that the path of return from sinful error is not only easy, but a lot of fun.  Free will makes it likely that there be error, and it is better to get back to the straight and narrow path, where all the fun is. 
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