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Why is spanking for grownups not more prevalent on Earth? 
        The answer is twofold.  For one thing, some souls are applying the principle of punishment to themselves over a long period of time, for the purpose of discouraging some tendency which has perhaps been getting them into trouble.  They have a right to do so, and how long they fry is really their own call. 
        But there is another dynamic at work here.  To quote Chogyam Trungpa in one of his discourses, “There is a problem with our human life.” 
        He got that right.  There is something of a problem with our life on this planet, and it is not that difficult to understand. 
        First of all, why do people get born into these very short, very slow human existences?  Well, there are many reasons.  For one thing you might want to understand something better, and when things are very slowed down they are easier to understand, as when a key moment in history is depicted by a tableau, or perhaps a painting.  It is a good place for knowledge quests, and not a bad arena in which to perform yoga.  It is a good place to do something such as one of the arts or sciences, that you want to do but maybe not that much of. 
        Some are born from a higher level, with compassionate purpose of saving or otherwise helping souls in whom they are interested.  But mostly... well, mostly people get sent into these existences because of error.  In some cases they have fallen into a sinful error and are sent into human life because the fact that things are slower here gives them the maximum opportunity to realize that they are in error and to correct themselves.  And some people come into these existences to deliberately commit an error that they are contemplating in the middle of a much higher, longer-lived existence, say a 30,000-year life a few lokas higher up.  A lot of people come here to commit the error of homosexuality that way, to see the ramifications of that choice, and to understand why they do not want to do this thing in the other life.  They have a right to use their human life for such a purpose, and we are not supposed to jam salvation down their throats.  Okay, any faggots reading this -- you can leave if you want. 
        When souls fall into sin and become deluded, the higher the level they fell from, the more formidible a demon they become.  The classic example is Ravanna, the demon of the Ramayana.  Ravanna conquered the entire planet earth, and then, not satisfied, he cast his eyes upon heaven and lay seige to it.  His nephew, a very saintly sage nearing enlightenment who was helping him, imprisoned Indra, the king of heaven, in an imaginary dungeon, and his power of visualization was so strong that Indra could not free himself from it. 
        At this point comes Vishnu, riding upon Garuda, the great eagle upon which He sometimes traverses the heavens.  “I acknowledge that you have defeated Indra,” says Vishnu to the nephew, “and for this reason, henceforth you shall be known as Indrajit (which means conquerer of Indra).  But we cannot have the king of heaven languishing in a prison.” 
        “Very well,” says Indrajit, “I will release him.” 
        “Don’t bother,” says Vishnu over his shoulder as he is departing. “I have already done so.” 
        Prince Ram finally shoots Ravanna with a crossbow.  Although Ravanna had a boon which prevented him from being slain by any weapon, Ram compelled him by his love to accept the crossbow shaft.  “All right,” said Ravanna, “Since you ask, I will accept it.”  And he did, and he died.  Loksami, Ram’s companion, says to him, 
        “Now let us rejoice, for the world is finally rid of this foul pestilence.” 
        “Not so, Loksami,” says Ram, turning to him with a tear in his eye.  “For with this death his karmic debt to me is quit, and he is now as dear to me as you.”  That shows how high a level Ravanna had fallen from.  (This varies from the Sanskrit version, which I consider flawed.) 
        But we get them here, you know.  The big ones.  “Better to rule on earth than serve in heaven,” they cry.  Finding themselves the elder, larger, and more developed in a sea of mostly younger souls, in their demented condition they look at each other and say, “Hah! We can rule this place.”  And they begin vying for power, for in their deludedness, it seems to them that power over others is the way to fulfillment. 
        And so they begin gravitating to the positions which feature power, namely big government, big money, and big religion.  Religion has always seemed a pretty good deal to demons.  “Look at this. We just maintain this temple, and the people are coming in, groveling all over the floor so that we get surfeited with power, bringing us food, bringing us money, doing our bidding...  Dang, man, it doesn’t get any better than this.”  And devils are basically standing in line for lifetimes to obtain such positions. 
        This tendency, of large old deluded souls with spirit-mind properties that cannot be taken from them, surfeiting themselves upon the souls of the younger, becomes periodically problematical.  Particularly when they begin to feed on it, and go about tempting the younger souls into sin in the guise of instructing them, just so that they will continue to be abjectly dependent upon clergy and continue to contribute to the fuel-source. 
        This tendency is very evident today, particularly in modern-day Christianity, in which it is by no means uncommon to find the clergy preaching a good game, but behind the scenes encouraging sinfulness.  You find Catholic nuns intimating to young men that like some sort of mafia thug is a way one ought to be.  Or a protestant minister saying behind the scenes: “A little hell is alright.”  All to keep them backsliding, to keep them in sin, so that ecclesiastical hierarchies can continue to glut themselves upon the forfeited soul-stuff of the subjected. 
        There is yet another aspect.  Hell is a very political place.  The largest, most powerful, and inferrably the most evil demon is called satan, but one fallen being does not retain the satan position forever.  For one reason or another, he sickens of it and moves on, and another takes his place.  And who that will be is the cause of much manuvering and power-dealing.  There are factions backing all the various demons who are contending to be the next satan. 
        The power of hell is perpetually bankrupt, and deals are being made that are based upon the anticipated falls of some who have not yet fallen.  “I’m going to get this one and that one, and so I will have this much power to contribute.”  And so there is resistence to anything which might mitigate against a looked-for fall, as well as energetic effort to encourage the innocent to fall. 
        When such activity gets out of hand, it becomes necessary to compensate for these large, formidible, evil presences, and things are done such as establishing an escape-path from the state of sin, to make it easier for the victimized innocent to escape, by reforming and correcting their errancies.  That’s basically what this book is about -- an escape path. 
        The most classic and arguably official escape path from sin was the Christean incarnation.  The entire phenomenon was an awesome piece of work.  First they picked up a hapless group of wandering nomads in the desert.  They deliberately selected one with two special characteristics: they were flawed (stiff-necked, idolatrous) in such a way that the antichrist would inevitably arise, and they were a group that was clearly not going to make it -- one that was doomed to extinction. 
        This was determined finally by a test.  “Okay now, Abe, put the kid on the altar.  Now tie him down.  Now, stab him, Abe.  Stab your little boy with the knife.”  
         “Hyupp.  Stab the kid.  Hyupp.”  Ha-rrrragh! (grab the arm) 
        “Okay, Abe.  Right.  Now this is how it’s gonna be.  I’m gonna be your god, and you’re gonna be my people.  Now this is what you do, Abe.  Take the people down there by the river and tell ‘em to get them a drink of water.  And while they do, you be watching them.  The ones that put their lips down into the water -- forget them, Abe.  The ones that cup the water in their hands and bring it to their faces -- them you keep.”  That’s how devolved a group it was -- some of them had regressed to the level of lower animals. 
        The rabbis, who were enormously powerful, and who had many of them stood in line for lifetimes for these positions, saw Jesus as an upstart who wanted their power, and they crucified him.  Between two other thieves, as they saw it.  But when the movement did not die out, they shrugged their shoulders and determined to co-opt and usurp the religions that were springing up about his teachings. 
        That they would do so, that an “anti-christ” grouping would arise, was not only inevitable, it was planned from the beginning.  That’s why they chose such a problematical group.  So that through the centuries the christ and the anti-christ forces could be balanced against each other according to the fluctuating needs of the many different waves of incarnating souls.  Sometimes you need more of an escape path, for younger, tenderer souls, and sometimes somewhat less of a one for souls that are a little older and in need of more of a test. 
        When a big adjustment is needed, there comes an avatar.  But sometimes, for a small adjustment, we just send one of the children, like the author of this book, to sort of kick the thing back into kilter.  It’s nothing like the difference that an avatar makes, but sometimes when them demons git a little too rambunctious, someone is coming.  This one was sent, I think, in response to a supplication. 
        The following is an inference: In December of 1942, Germany was marching on Moscow, and certain of the humans who served in rulership of this world realized that if you added Russia to what Hitler already had, the potential was there for him to take the entire planet.  An urgent supplication was dispatched to a higher world.  “It’s gotten out of control,” they prayed.  “You’ve got to send someone.” 
        The elders of my world gathered in a room and sat robed in white, with a holographic image of the planet Earth suspended in the center of the room by their telepathic power.  Various sages considered all of the dimensions of the phenomenon of human life on this orb through the course of its history. 
        Finally, after a long time, someone broke the silence with a bit of comic relief.  “It looks like they’ve got everything they need,” he said, “except a darn good spanking.”  The room cracked up, because everyone realized that he had hit the nail on the head.  Just then, the door of the room being ajar, I walked by, dragging my large teddybear by the ear, one corner of my pajama-bottom flap unbuttoned.  “Let’s send them Suppo,” someone said, and the room exploded in laughter again, because everyone realized that it was perfect.  I was the ideal choice for this dharma. 
        And so, nine months later, I was born in this world, in an army camp where some of the most kick-ass fighters in the allied forces were training.  This was a statement about which side I was on.  Then I was raised in the country, in a large house on an acre and a half of land lined with white birches, that had a classic woodshed right in the middle of the property.  When I was a teenager, we’d lose big birches now and then to windstorms, and I’d go out there with my axe and chop them into firewood and stack the logs in the woodshed.  My large hands became very caloused from this. 
        When I became aware that I had this dharma, I said, “Surely not.”  A sign was shown me.  I was skeptical.  Then another sign, then another.  Frighteningly specific.  “Okay, fine then,” I said.  “I have this dharma.” 
        Whether you’re ready for an escape path from sin and delusion or not is up to you.  No one can make you read this, unless you’ve permitted them to by some sort of submission, in which case, that’ll learn ya. 
        In the minds of the deluded, there is a war between good and evil.  In your right mind, it look more like a ward.  Always remember to condemn the evil, not the doer.  The doer is a precious child of God, even as you; he just has very dirty “die-appears” right now.  But we must always want what is best for each soul we encounter; that is the compassion of the great vehicle, which is Mahayana. 
        So anyway, they installed this official or semi-official escape path, and Jesus proclaimed that he had come “to bring sinners to repentance.”  But what happens to the escape path is that it tends to become obscured by the aforedescribed tendencies.  Overzealous demons are apt to kick rubble over it, and it gets harder to find.  Those who innocently grope for our version of this path are often immediately attended by powerful implications that what they are really seeking is a sexual release.  In part, the excitement of sexuality by the estrogenic hormonal activity sparked by the thought of getting a spanking is intended to prevent a soul not ready for correction from availing itself of it prematurely.  Perhaps the soul is not yet proof against its error, or perhaps, in the case of a fallen sinful soul, it has simply not fried enough yet.  Perhaps correction by another is not permissible for him, for he must find his own way. 
        But when the demons who perform such tempting become too enthusiastic about diverting people seeking to right themselves, it can become time to check that tendency.  The information in this book is intended to serve as such a check.  To make the escape path just a little easier to find -- to kick the apparatus back into kilter.  The escape path of this book is the classic, most normal and usual as well as the funnest way, by which souls who have strayed from the straight and narrow by their wrongful thoughts and deeds can right themselves and bring themselves back into their true state, the state of grace.  It embodies the compassion (co-hump passion) that Krishna built into the form when he created it. 
        Grace is an important state to be in, because your true mind and your true soul never stray from it.  They are always at one with their Source, and cosmic law is their warp and woof. 
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