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The Argument for Using Spankin
         For how grownups can use spanking in their self-disipline without disrupting their life-games, click here
        To baldly state the most important truth in the book: the discipline that children receive is the best way to discipline human beings.  At any age.  There is no difference.  The buttocks are associated with estrogen, and the rhythmic spanking of them causes the organism to become more esgtrogenic, which always equates to better behavior.  Remember how the girls were invariably better behaved in school? 
        When adult prisoners were given a parenting-like discipline including corporal punishment, they almost at once displayed the same reactions as children.  Apparently these responses are like the falsetto voice of boys.  It gets lost when the voice changes, but if you work at it, you can get 90% of the falsetto qualities back. 
        What passes for identity in the human being is the ego.  The ego is basically an obedience unit, and the way that it is best disciplined is the way that it was disciplined by its parents in childhood.  To grow out of this need means to transcend the ego altogether, like the Nirmanakaya Siddartha Gautama did, and like many other luminaries who have graced Earth with their presence also did.  But we ordinary people are not going to effect this right away; we’ve all got a ways to go yet. 
        The point is that a parenting-like discipline is what egos will best respond to, and by means of it some very interesting effects can be had upon one’s behavior.  When the ego-mind has reclaimed its obedience function, and when further it is insisted upon that one respond to discipline the way a good boy or girl does, it is relatively easy to change one’s moral level.  For example, if one is in a hellbound state, it is possible to change that state into one which is not hellbound.  And if one is in a non-hellbound state, it is possible to evolve that level further into one which is indeed deserving of heaven. 
        A word about after-lives.  It is customary, and indeed wisest, to have them.  You don’t have to, but it is more intelligent to use them than not.  When your behavior during life has been okay above a certain level, it is intelligent to reward that behavior.  When you do, you send a message through the infra and ultra parts of yourself that this behavior is what we want; we should do more of it.  On the other hand, if your behavior has not been good, it is equally intelligent to send a message of the opposite kind, and to have a punishment-type after-life.  You may also choose an after-life in which you receive both reward and punishment feedback for all of your behaviors during the earth-life.  (more on heaven and hell heaven and hell  here
        That is generally why we use reward and punishment in the shaping of our behavior here on earth as well; it is more for the sake of the infra parts of ourselves, which are very equipped to respond to both appropriately.  And the infra part of oneself, particularly the so-called “robot-mind” is responsible for more of our behavior than most people remotely imagine. 
        There is another reason why it is good to control our behavior, namely that all of our behaviors cast a shadow of proclivity into the future.  As we behave, so we will tend to behave.  That is a law of behavior; that what a man does, he will do again.  So when we behave badly, we are also giving ourself a propensity to behave badly in the future.  And the result that has is that we will have to keep a tighter rein on ourselves someday; we will not be able to be as free.  Good behavior is therefor liberating. 
        Now it is to be noted that there are some people who seem to behave well with very little effort.  This is because at sometime in the past they were made to behave well; they were made to be good.  And that gave them a long-standing habit pattern of goodness; they have that propensity.  But eventually, without discipline, their behavior will decay, simply because the ego is not an inherently moral organism -- it is mechanical.  It is good only if there is a good reason to be good; one that can be immediately perceived, such as getting a punishment if it is not. 
        It’s very like a skateboard.  It can go for a long time without effort, but eventually you have to start kicking it again.  Eventually, you have to resume using discipline.  It can be either by someone else or by one’s own self.  Wise counsel is to develop and master the art of giving your own human discipline; then, if you find someone such that you both like each other and want to share in some discipline games, you may if you wish.  But it is very good to not depend upon someone else for discipline, and to be able to take it or leave it as far as other people are concerned. 
        This book is about a way of self-discipline involving spanking.  Why spanking?  Apparently it was intended by the creator -- God is depicted in the Old Testament as saying to David: “I will chastise you with the stripes of men and the ferule of boys.” 
        Spanking is the best way because it provides a sugar coating on the bitter pill of discipline.  You might say that it rewards punishing, so that we will tend to keep on using punishment, which is a very necessary component of discipline.  Extreme spanking, which is overly severe and catastrophic, like the crazy stuff you see on the web, is actually punishing punishing; you would tend to do less of it. 
        Let me hasten to state, that although spanking is the best kind of discipline at any age, no one has a right to impose it upon another person against his will.  It is formative, and how one is formed becomes the domain of the individual after the parenting has ended.  When you are a child, you get what your parents give you; you really have no choice in the matter; it is what you signed up for.  Properly, children should be the exclusive disciplinary property of their parents until they are eighteen.  At that age their peers can begin to take a hand with them, but the parental sway can continue until the twenty-fifth birthday (though less and less), unless there is marriage and/or leaving the house and becoming self-sufficient, on which event the young person over eighteen may, if he wishes, assume full responsibility for himself. 
        But this is not an argument for children to be spanked at a later age than they customarily are.  Generally, with some exceptions, it stops at around the thirteenth birthday, and usually the child begins to want it, to wish it would continue, and to fantasize about it.  The wise parent refrains from giving it, and allows that child to yearn and yearn until he grows an enormous desire-tree in his unconscious, which will inevitably draw him to spanking at a later age.  That’s very important, because discipline paths involving spanking can most easily rescue a straying life, and bring one back to the straight and narrow, headed toward heaven instead of to the other place. 
        But when you are a grownup, no one may impose any personal discipline whatsoever upon you.  If you elect to include other people in your discipline, the choice of who those people might be is yours exclusively.  If someone, no matter how much higher, attempts to force such discipline upon you, you can beat that person.  Just imagine yourself holding up a mirror to him, and firmly will that the discipline imposition be mirrored back at him.  As long as you have not aggressed against him first, or for whatever reason voluntarily submitted, he will succumb.  It is apparently a cosmic law. 
        But indeed, spanking discipline is the most normal way by which a soul which has transgressed into sin corrects itself, and brings itself back to reality.  Why, then, is it not more prevalent here?  The answer is twofold.  For a philosophical treatment of this question, click here
        This book is about an interesting approach to the escape path.  An approach in which grownups can reinstitute the best way to discipline humans, and use it to shape themselves into what they would like to be, which hopefully includes deservedness of heaven, but that’s your choice, champ.  The ball’s in your court.  No one can make that decision for you. 
Elements of the Self-Control that Uses Spanking 
        There are three elements of the self-control that uses spanking.  These are the desire, the will, and the bloke.  Desire is the yin part; will is the yang part, and the bloke is the bloke.  In this control, desire is the obedient boy of the bloke, and can be made to obediently build a desire to any level.  The will is also the obedient boy of the bloke, and can be made to build what it feels like doing to any level.  You would want to have a strong, robust spirit of obedience.  That spirit can be built and strengthened by using the vehicle
        Desire is the plow.  Will is merely the water that flows in the furrow cut by the plow.  Desire is the only key to real will power, but desire can be made to manifest by will. 
          An act of will, based on a decision by the bloke, can be initiated at either desire or will.  Either one of them can dominate the other powerfully; neither cares which is dominating.  They are a team; they work together to make happen what the bloke desires to happen. 
          This way cuts through the tendency of the mind to play tricks in thes area.  Let’s say you ought to be spanked.  You did something, or failed to do something, or allowed your standard to fall. 
          Will turns to mind and says, “Okay, you’re gonna get one.  Start wanting to be spanked.” 
          “I want to be spanked.”  (heartfelt, focused, obedient.) 
          “Harder!  More focused!  More intense!  More sincere!  More heartfelt!  And visualize!” 
          “I WANT TO BE SPANKED!”  (concentrates on really meaning it, and addressing the will directly.) 
          This continues until the will is satisfied that the desire is strong enough. 
          “Then what do you want me to do?” 
          “Spank me.” 
          “How hard?” 
          “Six hard ones, with wrist action, right on the bare sweet spot, while I’m over the meditation seat.” 
          Now you know perfectly well that when something is desired in there, you provide it.  You do it all the time.  So if desire is strong enough, and genuine enough, what it wants you will give it..  You must learn to self-assess the strength of the desire, and competently increase it to the effective level. 
          The parenting that children receive is an abstraction of life in the cosmos.  What parents do to children, the cosmos is doing to each and every one of us all of the time, but so slowly that we cannot perceive it. 
          So in all fairness, people are given at the start of a life, an intense and vivid encapsulation of what the cosmos will be doing to them.  The parenting of children is only for children, but what we are doing here is creating a similar abstraction, for the purpose of shaping ourselves into the way that we would prefer to be. 
          In this sense, being a good boy is the key to the cosmos; the key to life.  The way given here is one of taking control of your own destiny.  If life seems undesirable, that’s not life -- that’s you.  Change you, and you change life. 
         For some additional backdrop on spanking, , click here
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