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Further Explanations of Spanking 
        Everything which is truely worth having in life is a beautiful maiden.  For every maiden there is also a dragon, who coils about that winsome figure and gnashes his teeth, and breathes forth smoke and fire.  The aspirant must defeat that dragon and win that maiden, as a white knight in shining armor. 
        Spanking discipline is such a maiden, and it has its dragon.  There are a thousand wrong paths, and a thousand right paths, in this area  Only one principle can carry the questor through safely, and that principle is right motivation. 
        Always question: is this a right motivation or a wrong motivation?  Is this one of the 1000 right pathways, or one of the 1000 wrong ones? 
        To slip into the wrong is not necessarily a disciplinary matter, but to realize that the motivation or path is wrong and not abandon it, certainly is. 
        An ego, which deluded people take to be their identity, is not a real construct.  Indeed, its continuity is illusory, and if examined closely is found to be not even consistent, let alone continuous.  It is made up largely of what Gordon Allport calls the “propriate sense of self”, and it comes into existence largely by being postulated by the world, which continually addresses us as though we were a consistent identity. 
        It came into being because as an infant we were related to as an identity by whatever parented us, and it became most strongly formed by being made to obey, and by being punished when it did not obey, hopefully in an atmosphere which was very loving. 
        Normally, this means that we got spanked not infrequently in early childhood, usually by the mother, having the result that spanking got into our formation, strongly so because we associated it with mother-love. 
        Now right away some liberal is going to stand up and roundly condemn spanking as a disciplinary measure, and cite abuse statistics, etc.  Fine.  You don’t like it, go read somebody else’s book.  I think you are a freak.  Normally, kids get it, and their behavior control usually involves the threat of it, reinforcing its power as a formative device. 
        Sometimes you see disapproval of spanking by sources who state that “research” has proven that children who are spanked turn out aggressive.  This is post-hoc reasoning.  An aggressive parent will tend to produce an aggressive offspring.  It is not the method which is at fault; it is the character of the parent.  Proper parental spanking is neither a dominance-submission situation nor a win-lose dynamic.  It is a loving discipline which provides a child’s psyche with a good reason why certain behaviors ought not to be performed, and should lead to a loving obedience. 
        As adults, most people are turned on by the notion of getting a spanking.  This is quite natural.  Because of the way we are formed, when we are about to receive such a disciplining as a spanking our hormonal gland, which is usually given the misnomer “sex organ”, begins to manufacture estrogen for the purpose of making us more submissive and receptive.  Submissiveness is an important part of our makeup, as it is with most if not all mammals.  In the male, this hormonal function causes the gland to expand, in much the same way as in sexual reproduction. 
        But this is not sex, and should not result in ejaculation.  (For some advice about handling sex, click here.)  It is apparently important for the health of the organism, particularly the nervous system, that these expansions take place.  What is supposed to happen is that the expansion eventually subsides, and the semen involved in the expansion is reabsorbed by the blood, nourishing all of the other organs of the body with its highly concentrated minerals.   
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