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The Baby-Sitter Robot 
         This technique will improve your behavior.  It brings you back to when your “disc” was originally formatted, and deepens your discipline-fear.  You should have the table, pants-stuffed-with-yoga-mats, and preferably the apitong paddle and the light paddle, from other parts of this website. 
         In addition, you will need a small, powerful, portable computer speaker, such as the iwave model SP58045 (iBS045), pictured below, costing about $25, and an mp3 recorder/player of some sort. 
         When you are going to get one, turn on the recording and play it quite loud through the portable speaker.  Then you simply obey it, as you would if you were a small child being given one. 
         The mp3 given   here (left-click to listen, right-click and select “save target as” to download) is meant as an example.  I’m sure you will want to record your own, and tweak it to your preference. 
         After a while, the mind becomes convinced that if that recording is turned on, it is going to get one.  Because what are you going to do?  Disobey?  And get the spirit of disobedience in you?  What kind of boy do you want to be, anyway? 
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