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Higher Self Relationship 
(The Self-Hypnosis Technique) 
        The technique I am about to describe is extremely powerful.  I stumbled upon it in the course of experiment, and did not put it on the web for a long time because its effects are so profound.  I did not want to entice people into blithely excursioning into a path that could alter their lives, and even their current series of lives. 
        The use of this technique has given me an increased degree of soul-realization.  (I think, however, that for this to occur, a certain degree of at-one-ment with cosmic law is probably requisite. To review techniques for achieving that state, click here.) 
         It has also gotten for me what every boy wants, in that I will be spanked and punished for any misbehavior for which any boy ought to be punished. 
        I now regard spanking as disciplinary rather than punitive.  A spanking simply prepares the area in question to receive punishment.  It proceeds to the punishment point (“Yes sir, please sir.”), where you really, really don’t want any more because it has become so sore, and then punishment is applied with the paddle, right on the sore place, how hard depending on how bad you were.   If it is merely disciplinary, it stops at the punishment point. 
        Before giving the technique, I want to call the attention of your higher self to the profound consequences on a transcendental level.  This is something that your higher self/buddha self might well prefer that you have in a different lifetime. 
        That said, I will now give the technique, which involves a self-hypnosis formula that I got from and present here with the permission of that site. 
        This formula is a very benign form of self-hypnosis, in that it proceeds slowly, over seven weeks, giving you the option to stop whenever you want, if you develop a reservation.  I have used it many times over the years, and my experience of it is that a year or two later you observe some way that you are, and say, “That’s funny.  That’s exactly what I programmed with that self-hypnosis exercise.” 
The Technique 
         Follow these instructions exactly.  If you deviate from them, if you alter one word, you are on your own, and it's your own responsibility completely.  The only exception is that a female may use the word 'girl' instead of the word 'boy'. 
        Fashion your suggestion.  It must be positive, with no negative words, short, between 6 and 15 words, meaningful, (this is what you really want to happen), possible, (Something you can achieve.  Avoid absolutes and time limits.), and focused (tackle one suggestion at a time, not a laundry list of wishes.) 
        The suggestion to be used in this exercise is: “My higher self spanks me and makes me obey whenever any boy should be spanked.” 
        This exercise is to be performed for one lunar cycle (a cycle is around 30 days), plus three weeks, beginning one week before the full moon.  Let’s say the full moon is on October 27, 2015 PST, and the following full moon is on November 25, 2015 PST.  The first day of programming would be on October 20 (one week before the October full moon on the 27th).  It would continue through the last day, December 2 (one week after the November full moon on the 25th), cease for seven days, and then, on December 10, resume for seven days, thereupon ceasing altogether. 
        You always begin exactly one week before the full moon, continue to one week after the next full moon, stop for a week, and then resume for a week.   
Do the programming three times a day; 
        1. When you wake up in the morning (as soon as possible after awakening): 
        2. In the middle of the day, best just after lunch if you can find a time and place where you will be left alone and quiet. 
        3. Just before going to sleep at night. 
        Each time, find a place where you can relax and be by yourself.  Write the suggestion down on a piece of paper, in clear, legible handwriting.  Write it as though you were writing to your best friend or your love.  Concentrate and write slowly thinking about the meaning of the words as you write each of them. 
        Read the Message aloud to yourself.  Listen to yourself, and to your words.  Think clearly about their meaning.  Then sit or lie comfortably.  Find something to look at, something to focus on.  Take three deep breaths, letting yourself relax all over.  Feel all the stress and tension leaving your body with each exhalation.  Breath in calm, breath out tension. 
        Close your eyes and hold the last breath for at least 10 seconds then slowly let it all out, letting all the tension in all of your muscles flow outward with that last exhalation. 
        Now you are very relaxed, and breathing evenly and smoothly, and you begin to count backwards from 5 to 1.  As you count you feel yourself relaxing deeper and deeper with each and every breath you take, with every number you count.  When you reach the count of 1, feel yourself drop quickly and deeply into a very comfortable and relaxed state of mind.  Now begin to say, in your mind, not out loud, the words you wish to program into your subconscious. Repeat this phrase 20 times. 
        To help you keep count, each time you say the phrase, move the tip of a finger to the tip of your thumb.  Start with the index finger of the right hand.  Move it to the tip of the thumb of the right hand and say the phrase.  Then touch the tip of the middle finger to the tip of the thumb and say the phrase again.  Then the ring finger, then the little finger and open the right hand on the fifth count.  Repeat this with the left hand then start all over again to complete the twenty repetitions.  Don’t hurry.  Go slow.  Go deep. 
        After you have mastered the process, it becomes fairly automatic and you don’t have to pay too much attention to either the hand movements or the words themselves.  This might take a few days.  As you improve, begin to focus on relaxing deeper and deeper, drifting away, just letting yourself completely relax.  You can hear your own words in your mind and soon you will find you can think other things at the same time you are saying the words you have memorized and repeated so many times. 
        When you reach this level (don’t hasten this process, just take your time, you might do this for a week or two before you feel comfortable with the next stage), when you find yourself able to think of other things, begin to parallel the suggestion with the following thoughts: 
        1. “Each and every word you hear me say takes you deeper and deeper into a very beneficial state of relaxation.” 
        2. “You can hear my words giving you suggestions, these suggestions will make your life better and happier.” 
        3. “Each and every time I do this exercise the effect is stronger and more beneficial.  The suggestion is helping improve my life more and more as I move deeper and deeper during the exercises.” 
Developing the Relationship with the Higher Self 
         The relationship with the higher self develops and deepens all by itself, but many will want to eventually use more advanced equipment
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