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achieving at-one-ment with cosmic law 
        The process of repudiation is a super-highway which enables one to enter the sin-free state. There are other ways -- a commitment to the eightfold path (right understanding, right motives, right speech, right behavior, right mindfulness, right effort, right livelihood, and right contemplation) will bring one to the state.  A good way to utilize the path is to apply punishment to inconsistencies with each of the principles. The punishments should not be extreme -- ordinary parent/child type discipline will suffice. In this way, it can be realized that this eightfold path is a unique jewel and a master key to enlightenment. To the unenlightened it appears to be merely a collection of nice platitudes. 
        Repudiation is a process of recognition and reformation. It begins with an examination of one’s past life. All of the sins that one can remember should be acknowledged and repudiated, sin by sin, and a firm and real resolution made to not do that thing again, whatever the wrong act was. It is not enough to repent, and to simply cease to commit the sinful act. Unless the act is repudiated, the penitant will remain inwardly a ravening beast, and the tendency to sin in that way will remain in him. Part of repudiation is to decide what you should have done instead, and to bring yourself to a state of mind in which if you had that to do over again, you would choose your selected alternative. 
        The examination of the past life should be repeated at least once weekly when one has entered the process. At its peak it can be more than once. The entire procedure can take two years, even if you haven’t really been all that bad. To successfully complete the process is to exit your delusions by the same doorway through which you entered them. 
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