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Remote Spanking Relationships 
         The equipment featured on this website -- the table, the dungarees with yoga mats stuffed into the legs, the apitong paddle, and the babysitter robot -- enable one to carry on a disciplinary relationship by email, by telephone, or even in person.  Even if the discipliner is physically present, it is more accurate for the spanked person to self-apply, since only he knows when one unit has been effected, when two, when five, and etc.  The condition of the behind varies from day to day; it can be anything from very sensitive to very tough.  Only the receiver knows just what degree of punishment is being delivered. 
         Using this method, the receiver is placed on his honor.  “Do you agree, on the honor by which you are honored in life, to not call a unit a unit until it is a unit?”  (A punishment unit being defined such that 5 of them will produce the “yes sir” condition, in which you really, really do not want any more.  You are spanked.  Five units bring one to the punishment point.  Up to that point it can be merely disciplinary, but the sixth and seventh units are punitive -- they do a certain amount of controlled damage.) 
        The receiver agrees.  “Take your pants and underwear off and get over the knees.”  (The receiver does so.)  “Now give yourself a five-unit spanking.”  Then the disciplined person smacks his behind until he can truthfully say, on his character and honor, “Okay, that’s one unit.  That’s two units.”  Etc., until the five have been administered and he is genuinely at the punishment point.  If five do not bring him to that point, he continues until he is there. 
         If there is then to be punishment, the discipliner explains why the punishment is being given, then he says, “Give it one more unit,” or “Give it two more units.”  Seven is the maximum on any given day, the five-unit spanking plus two punishment whacks.  If more than two are to be administered, you have to wait one or two days, then give another spanking plus the additional punishment whacks. 
         Since the severity is on the honor and character of the self-administrator, the discipliner can be reasonably confident that the recipient has gotten what he has been given. 
         Alternatively, a discipliner could simply say, by email, telephone, or in person, “Turn on the babysitter robot.” 
         Boys and girls who are no longer parented and not yet married should have such relationships with people that their heart chooses, and get their dynamic bonding in this way instead of in sinful pre-marital sex. 
         For young people, particularly in their thirties, these relationships can be an important part of the identity quest, which involves bringing out facets of one's transcarnate identity that one's upbringing has not brought out -- a common need, especially if the upbringing has involved siblings, making identity a scarce commodity. 
         It is sometimes interesting to make agreements over a specified period of time, that one person can do it to another whenever he wants.  These should be progressive.  Do it for a week before committing to a month.  Then three months, then six, then a full year. 
         If you are a bit shy, there is an anecdote illustrating an alternate approach here
The Discipline Contract 
        After the self-discipline has been installed, and one has lived with it long enough for it to seem normal, other people may be included, if and only if, both of you want to.  You should never actually depend upon another, and you should always be able to let such relationships go without disruption. 
        There is a danger here.  It is necessary to maintain complete responsibility for your own behavior, and to not become an abnegate of that responsibility.  For this reason, and to avoid misunderstandings, relationships of this kind must be governed by agreement, preferably in the form of a written contract.  I am providing a discipline contract as an example; please feel free to use it as it is, or to adapt it however you wish.  This is a spiritual teaching and is given to you feely, without any obligation on your part, even of attribution. 
        The most important provision of the contract is the principle that it may be terminated at a moment’s notice, even retroactively.  This protects you against losing control of your own behavior.  But if you end the agreement for a wrong reason (i.e. your behind hurts or whatever), then that is certainly on your game karma, and what goes around comes around, bucky boy. 
        But now that you have learned how to use the self-applied equipment, and have had enough experience with it that it seems somewhat natural, you are also equipped to have spanking relationships with other people who are not physically present.  You need only a cell-phone or an internet chatroom or even just email, to have enough communication that you can be ordered to apply a specified punishment, and in this day and age only a few hundred dollars worth of equipment enables you to capture that in streaming video and email it to the discipliner for his approval. 
        Before giving the contract, it is necessary to list what I call the fourteen satanic perversities of the discipline: 
The Discipline Contract  
1. The Fourteen Perversities 
01. That the discipline is sexual (masturbatory or fetishistic or a reversion to pre-frontal low bottomy) 
02. That the discipline is a power situation, or based upon mental superiority 
03. That the discipline is recreational 
04. That the discipline represents a submission to group-soul, or the social system 
05. That the discipline is a reversion to juvenility, and/or that adult powers, privileges, prerogatives, and properties are forfeited by the disciplinee 
06. That the administrator of the discipline exercises parental authority over the disciplinee 
07. That to accept the discipline is to acknowledge defeat in one or more of one’s ego conflicts or life-games 
08. That the discipline extends to matters of life responsibility, or affects major life-games such as money 
09. That the criterion of submission is maturity, instead of attitude, morality, humility, degree of disciplinedness, etc. 
10. That the discipline is analogous, and represents punitive consequenses on a more meaningful life-level 
11. That the disciplinary arrangement involves a submission of mental processes, or that the disciplined person becomes subject to the tinkerings of those who claim to be mind-smiths or the like 
12. That to accept the discipline indicates that one is characterizable by the term “mistaken one”, or that one is a “wrong person” 
13. That the discipline involves the acceptance of other-controlledness mode in one's physical or mental actions by the disciplinee whose locus of control is self-control 
14. That the discipline involves ulterior purpose such as fueling or mentation 
2. The Contract 
       A relationship shall exist between A and B in which A disciplines B as he wishes.  It is agreed that the Eternal Godhead and/or the Buddha selves in Nirvana shall be the authority in the relationship, and that in cases of remote psychic relationships the actions of impersonators shall be negated, and the actions of the true principals affirmed.  It is also agreed that the relationship will be ruled by right motivation, and that right motivation in discipline is always to make the subject be a good, obedient boy or girl.  B agrees to obey A for the specified term, such that disobedience becomes sinful for him, and to get over it whenever he is told to, gracefully, naturally, obediently, passively, and submissively, and to adjust his position as directed.  If a term is not specified, it shall be assumed to be for not more than one day.  A agrees to not subject the relationship to his own obedience superior, such that the discipliner would become, for practical purposes, anyone but he.  The discipline shall not take the form of, nor embody the spirit of, any of the enumerated satanic perversities, given just above this contract.  A shall not be considered to be a participant in B’s functioning in his life-games such as money-making work, or his art.  B shall continue to be regarded as self-controlled and the master of himself and of his own mind -- it is only that of his own free will he submits to A as a discipliner.  But all of the disciplines shall be on the order of slapping, spanking, paddling, cleaning stuff up, writing a punishment statement multiple times, washing the mouth out with soap, restricting indulgences, curtailing privileges, requiring prayer, requiring physical exercises, confinement to quarters, penal servitude, early bedtimes, going without blankets and other disciplines of like nature.  A does not overrule B in any of his decisions.  B continues to be regarded as the decision-maker.  If B’s ordinary locus of control is self-control, the nature of the discipline relationship is not to subject him to other-controlledness mode.  Civic authorities, or the apparatuses of the civil system, are never used or represented.  Punishment cannot take the form of subjecting the disciplinee to an adversary whom he has defeated or with whom he is vying, or making him vulnerable to the presence of such adversary.  B continues to be regarded as the maker of his own mind and does not submit to the making of A or another, or others.  B cannot be punished by A for his conduct during disrelated life-games, unless that conduct specifically violates disciplinary admonition, such as to not use bad language, in which case the behavior would be disobedience, and richly deserving of punishment.  A may strike B publically.  B will not hit himself publically at psychic behest, but will on overt command from physically present discipliner.  A will not wodify, nor will he punish B during gig-work hours.  B’s stated principles, for example the fact that he has excluded certain egos from his mental makeup such that they are not allowed in his phychic life as ego-presences, will not be contradicted unless A makes him submit on a given principle.  A may use punishment for this purpose to test the strength of will behind the principle.  This contract is terminable by either party at a moment’s notice, even retroactively.  It is agreed that breaches of the contract by either party will be punished by the 13-34, one step for the first breach, two for the second etc. up to thirteen.  A and B signify the commencement of the contract by each praying: “I agree to the terms of this contract with ______ and also pray to God or the Buddha selves in Nirvana, or both, in unison with him, that any phychic impersonator in this relationship be thoroughly punished.” 
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