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Kundalini Yoga 
         The tantric form of Raja Yoga is called Kundalini Yoga. 
         The spiritual path, according to Shyam Ghosh, who wrote The Original Yoga), involves three elements; devotion to Godhead, development of samadhi, and the raising of kundalini .  (A Buddhist might substitute devotion to the Buddha-self, if he wishes.) 
         According to Sri Ghosh, development of one of these spiritual arms brings progress in the other two. 
         If kundalini energy is increased, consciousness becomes elevated, and the mind expands.  Kundalini Yoga is the only yoga that focuses on raising kundalini, although all yogas will raise it somewhat. 
         Many yogis look askance at Kundalini Yoga.  They say, “Isn’t it true that kundalini rises when you are ready for it?  Shouldn’t we simply continue our practices, and let these advancements occur when we are ready for them -- when we indeed deserve them?” 
         Their attitude is a good one.  I thought so too for many years.  Then I tried a bit of it.  Yogi Bhajan came over from India in 1969 and showed us some of it.  “Huh!” I said.  “That’s the most powerful and profound yoga I ever saw.” 
         I have this to say about it: I have walked on the thin ice.  Skate there.  If you feel that you are going too fast, you can always stop. 
         Kundalini Yoga has a place in sadhana, even the sadhana of beginning spirituals, for this reason: There are dry spots in spirituality, particularly on meditation paths -- long periods of time during which nothing much happens. 
         Do not put up with it.  Our spiritual life should be fresh, vigorous, and interesting.  If more than two days go by without something happening, do a kundalini yoga kria or two.  Something gonna happen. 
         This is the primary role that Kundalini Yoga should have.  To adopt it as your main practice is something not many are ready for -- far fewer than 10% of the people alive on Earth now. 
         Here is the kundalini kria sadhana book that I use --  Kundalini Yoga: Sadhana Guidelines, 2nd Edition, by Gurucharan S. Khalsa PhD.  It’s about $30, but I found used ones on Amazon for about $20. 
         I had good luck searching for it online by the ISBN #, ISBN 0-89509-004-X 
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