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Raja Yoga 
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         Raja Yoga is the yoga of the mind.  Minds are of various levels and capabilities.  By means of Raja Yoga, we can make our minds higher, more dimensional, quicker, more imaginative, more creative, stronger, larger, more transcendental, and more obediently under our own control. 
         Educated people flock together; they don’t like the plodding slowness of those who have not grown. 
         But the mind developed by Raja Yoga can, in a few years, eclipse the mind produced by a university, because Raja Yoga focuses on the instrument.  The college graduate has developed his mind en pessant, and incidentally. 
         Ernest Wood, in his Raja Yoga treatise Concentration, makes the analogy of the construction worker out in the street -- big fellow with the jackhammer, muscular arms, very strong.  But give you a few years working out scientifically in a weight room, and you can clean that construction worker’s clock.  Because you are addressing the instrument, and consciously developing it. 
         There are in Concentration, by Ernest Wood, (available on Kindle, and in paperback at Amazon, both for around $10) something over 20 discrete exercises for developing the mind.  I recommend that you obtain a text and pursue the exercises in sequence at the prescribed rate. 
         I have done so a number of times, and was able, by means of them, to raise my mind from testing near-genius to solidly within the genius range. 
         I will give a few of these exercises, from memory and based on my own experience, here
         A good introductory text to Raja Yoga is Raja Yoga, by Yogi Ramacharaka, available as a free download on Kindle under the title A Series of Lessons in Raja Yoga, by William Walker Atkinson (Yogi Ramacharaka was one of his pseudonyms).  It is also incuded, along with numerous other books, in various inexpensive William Walker Atkinson collections on Kindle.  You can read it on the web at  There is also a downloadable voice tape of it on this website here
         There is a tantric form of Raja Yoga, called Kundalini Yoga.  (The tantras are mystical ways of spirituality which originated in India and are used for divine and supernatural purposes.  They involve mandalas (designs), mudras (gestures), and rituals, as well as mantras.  There is a right hand path, which is exclusively good, and a left hand path, used for darker purposes.  (This website deals only with the right hand path.)  For an explanation of kundalini, click here
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