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Meditation 28 
         Visualise a fresh, seaweed-scented shore.  The tide is far out and between land and sea stretches a great flat space of beautiful mingled colours -- warm rocks, honey-tinted sand scattered with White and Purple shells and rich Golden-brown seaweed which encircle crystal-clear pools full of light and sky reflections. 
         Far off the waves are chanting, and the wild vibrant calls of many sea-birds fall like music through the windless air.  A sky of dove-grey and opal broods over the bay -- there is a feeling of Cosmic peace, which is at the same time infinite longing, radiating like a blessing over all. 
         Realisation.  Many are the ways through which men pass from the lower to the higher.  The Cosmic Soul may be found in many different ways and by diverse systems.  For the Colour-Awakened Soul the most effective way is by cultivating the inner sense of Colour-consciousness.  The practice of seeing the beautiful in everything leads to harmony and peace.  As we meditate on the Seven Rays our souls float quietly out into the Cosmic.  Then resting in the bliss and peace in which the Spirit of Light abides we breathe deeply of the Divine Breath. 
opal = milky irridescent glowing, cream-cast, neither reflecting nor emitting light 
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