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Meditation 23 
         Visualise a young cherry-tree in glorious dress of Carmine and Vermilion; every long drooping narrow leaf glows with colour.  It reigns over the orchard like a king in royal robes, for all the other trees, planted in rows that carry the eye down long fascinating vistas, are as yet Green or only slightly touched with Russet Red. 
         No wind stirs, the earth rests in perfect calm, and the Red leaves burn undimmed by the slight mist that rolls over the hills. 
         Realisation.  The Cosmic Soul -- the mind of the Infinite -- supplies what is necessary at the time; we have to trust the Source of all Life for the future.  Neither must we cling to that which is given us.  “Freely have ye received, freely give,” is the Cosmic Law. 
         The Colour-conscious soul is “like a tree planted by the waters, that spreadeth out her roots by the river and shall not see when death cometh, but her leaf shall be Green.” 
         We are rooted and centred in the One Light and Life from which everything springs. 
carmine = rich crimson or scarlet 
vermilion = reddish orange 
russet = a strong brown with a slightly reddish tinge 
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