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Meditation 19 
         Picture mentally a stormy sea with the snowy spray dashing against the rocks as the incoming waves hurl themselves shorewards.  Then, for one beautiful moment, a glorious rainbow spreads across the sky as the sunlight darts down from behind the dark, frowning clouds.  A Green beam of light flashes in the water and discloses a radiant islet with White waves climbing up the steep sides of Amethyst-shadowed rock. 
         The clean, stormy wind blows wildly, and the fresh, delicious air is full of life and vitality. 
         Realisation.  Like the immovable rock we are held in the One Universal Power -- nothing can assail or disturb us.  For there is only one Universal Spirit of Life -- the Cosmic Soul which infuses our Auras with rainbow-hued Colour and spreads over our inner horizon like a stream of radiant harmony.  The life of the Illumined Mind is a life of mastery and positive force.  Negative vibrations have no power.  We are surrounded by Infinite Cosmic Rays, by a plenitude of power and life, the emanations from the Universal Soul.  From the Divine Centre, Source and Spirit of Infinite Light, Love, Wisdom, Power and Harmony, comes a reaction according to our need.  Not only within our being but around us on all sides is the vast, inexhaustible Cosmic Soul -- the only Power. 
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