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Meditation 14 
         Visualise a peaceful sky of pale Lilac and Rose, hanging serene over the departing day.  The surrounding woods are very quiet and self-absorbed as they await the silent descent of night. 
         The earth grows dusk, but the cosmic-flush of the heavens lingers, blessing the earth with a loving radiance of Pink and Opal -- its token of remaining glory -- like the burning thought of some divine joy that has gone. 
         Realisation.  At numerous periods in our life, there comes the feeling of being forsaken, abandoned, lonely and forgotten.  The warm Rose-radiance of Love seems to be withdrawn.  Our souls seem left wide open to the coldness of indifference and neglect.  Yet when we descend into the very depths of night and enter the darkness alone, we find God is there.  When you feel forsaken concentrate on the Green Ray and the Cosmic Soul, with its warm cheering Radiance, will draw near to you.  When we feel pressed down by difficulties and experiences too great for us, then we discover even when all seems hopeless, humanly speaking, that there is a Ray of Light shining perpetually upon us. 
         Over our heads there is always a sky of Lilac and Rose -- if our earth-senses could but see. 
lilac = moderate purple 
opal = milky irridescent glowing, cream-cast, neither reflecting nor emitting light  
space line