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Meditation 8 
         Visualise a tall, pale-lilac pyramid-orchis, standing lonely and beautiful in the heart of a wood.  Focused upon it is a great slanting ray of sunshine. 
         It points straight upwards to the effulgent Light that is pouring down.  Round its base are grouped clusters of little red wild strawberries, looking gay with their threefold leaves and clear White blossoms, like little children wonderstruck by the soaring height and beauty of a fairer influence.  The hugh solemn oaks look down like cosmic gods on this mimic world and above is the "height beyond all height." 
         Realisation.  The Soul that is developing the inner consciousness stands up like a spiral of light.  The immediate result of developing Colour-awareness is that we discover our true identity.  There blossoms within us a sense of increasing wisdom and illumination.  We begin to realise that our Inner Self -- our true being -- is a focusing point of the great Cosmic Rays.  We are linked by the forces of Light and Colour with the unchanging and the Eternal.  We are reminded of the Presence of God in every Ray of Light and by every Vibration of Colour in Nature.  From the Cosmic Soul radiates Infinite Power, Wisdom, Love and Intelligence. 
lilac = a moderate purple 
space line