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Dubist Monastic Discipline 
         The basis of a Dubist monk’s discipline is the moral code already referred to.  Additionally, every monk in the world needs to do a certain amount of menial work, to offset the lofty spirituality.  About 20 hours a week is optimum -- four hours a day, five days a week.  If that gets in the way of a monk’s spiritual life, he need only not appear for breakfast, and he is automatically excused from menial work for that day, and is expected to fast until the following morning. 
The monks rise early, at 4:00 am.  (if more sadhana is desired, a monk has the option of rising at 3:00.  This cannot be required by the monk’s personal discipliner.) 
4:00 to 6:00 sadhana and ablutions.  KItchen duties are shared in rotation; those who have them report to the kitchen ar 5:30. 
6:00 to 6:30 breakfast 
6:30 to 7:00 personal time 
7:00 to 7:30 group chanting 
7:30 to 8:00 personal time 
8:00 to 12:00 tasks as assigned by the task assignment monk.  Those who have kitchen duties report to the kitchen at 11:30. 
12:00 to 1:00 personal time 
1:00 to 1:30 is lunch 
1:30 to 2:00 personal time 
5:00 to 5:30 supper (kitchen duties 4;30) 
5;30 to 7:00 personal time (small and large group meetings can be scheduled here.) 
7:00 to 7:30 group chanting 
7:30 to 8: 00 ablutions and preparation for bed 
8:00 to 4:00 bed time.  (This is all resting and recharging time.  It can certainly consist entirely of sleep.) 
personal discipline relationships 
         The four seasons are measured between the solstices and equinoxes.  For one season per year, a monk will personally discipline another monk.  For one season per year, he will be disciplined by another monk.  During the other two seasons, he may have personal discipline relationships or not, as he chooses.  These relationships feature spanking as their basis, and a monk being disciplined has the same spanking/obedience dynamic as normally raised children. 
         Some people are drawn to this; others are not.  Still others are put off by it.  The Dubist Order wants only those who are drawn -- not the neutrals or the aversives. 
         Every effort is made to match the monk with his choice of discipliner.  In some cases, the relationship is put off until the next season.  In some cases a given monk will discipline up to three other monks at a time.  There need not be balance, as with the positions of the monastery. 
         Spankings are always self-administered, using the equipment pictured below: 
administered without pants or underware 
         The equipment is described in detail in Book I
         When you spank another person with a paddle, you do not really know how much punishment you are administering.  And so self-administration prevents much inaccuracy and abuse.  Some of these pieces of work will not tell you if they have an injury there. 
         The system is really very accurate.  A spanking is defined as five punishment units.  Properly, 5 units will bring a person to the spanked condition, where you really don't want any more, and you start saying, “Yes sir.”  If 5 does not bring you to that point, then the units are not hard enough.  If 4 brings you to that point, they are too hard.  The receiver is placed formally on his honor and his character, by agreement, to not call it a unit until it is a unit. 
         How hard it has to be to be a unit, varies from person to person, and even from day to day in the same person.  The condition of that area is not constant. 
         You smack it once.  If it is not a unit yet, you smack it again.  So also with the second, third, fourth, and fifth.  “Okay, that's one unit.  Okay, that's two units.”  Etc.  On your honor and on your character.  No more than seven units can be given on one day.  Seven is a hard paddling. 
         The paddle does more damage than is first apparent.  Usually, more than a day or two should intervene between spankings.  Between 2 and 3 weeks is the average normal interval. 
         Areas of disciplinary concern include the moral code, and conscienciousness of the spiritual life.  However, the disciplining monk cannot mandate the form or content of the sadhana.  This is a prerogative of the individual. 
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