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         Kundalini is basic to the spiritual path.  It is a force of spiritual and psychic potential, at the base of the spine, and it is an inborn part of our makeup.  It is metaphysical, so it can’t be seen.  
         Kundalini flows in subtle metaphysical channels called ”nadis”.  The three major nadis are sushumna, which goes up the center of the spinal cord, and ida and pingala, which intertwine about sushumna, in a pattern which reflects in the caduceus. 
         Kundalini flows upward from the base of the spine; along sushumna it passes through six major chakras (chakras are psychic energy centers) before reaching the topmost chakra, sahasrara, at the crown of the head.  If it ever ceased to flow, you would be dead. 
         It is said that kundalini is the source of our every utterance.  It is most fruitfully thought of as the shakti, or projection, of Lord Shiva, the form of the eternal Godhead which abides in the sahasrara chakra of each and every one of us.  Shiva represents the aspect of beneficence, or goodness, of the one Godhead. 
         Verily, our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit. 
         When the spiritual path is entered (something fewer that one person in ten is ready for in this life), various practices cause an increase of the flow of kundalini, causing mind-expansion, elevation of vibration level, and enhanced focus, leading to the proper use of trance state, which deepens concentration. 
         Yoga and meditation cause increase of this sort (just sitting upright in meditation posture will cause kundalini energy to rise somewhat), but generally this is a gradual process, taking place over years. 
         Kundalini Yoga is unique, in that it is the only yoga which directly addresses the stirring and rising of kundalini. 
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