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Meditation 22 
         Picture a sheltered bay, bounded on each side by low peaceful cliffs.  The calm Green sea rolls tranquilly in towards flat weed-covered rocks and soft yellow sands.  The waves break with a gentle monotonous song upon the shore.  On the rich brown seaweed the curling waves splash in whitest foam.  The grey-blue afternoon sky seems to hang low over the sea -- the winds are asleep and all storms far from this inlet of peace. 
         Realisation.  When the barque of our life sails lightly upon smooth summer seas, driven by the fair winds of health and prosperity; when friends are plentiful and eager to help us; when social favors and influence come to us to gratify our desires -- then, indeed, the thought, “This world is good enough for me,”  seems true.  But when we reach the end of the smiling sea of success; when the winds of adversity have blown us upon hard rocky shores and the waves of suffering threaten to engulf us; when friends fail -- then we must look for guidance to the cosmic realms.  When the mariner scans the sky in search of a guiding star, he finds the whole heavens in motion.  To follow almost any one of the myriad of wandering stars would be to court disaster.  The guiding star must be steadfast and immovable -- there is only one such, namely, the North Star.  By its guiding light the ship is brought to safety.  By tuning-in to the right wave-length of our fixed Ray of Destiny we sail through tumultuous seas to the islet of peace. 
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