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Meditation 17 
         Picture mentally an effulgence of Mauve and Turquoise -- a deep, clear illimitable Azure sky.  The earth below is warm and soft, decked with masses of Purple-flamed Lilac.  Peach-coloured rhododendrons lift up great bunches of blossom, pale Wistaria hangs its sweet-scented clusters against a rose-coloured brick wall.  All seem to mingle in Cosmic rapture with the Blue above until they become one living joy and harmony, peace and stillness. 
         Realisation.  If we would know and enjoy inner peace and harmony and also live our life polarised to our particular Ray, we must learn the secret of inner stillness.  Our auric colours must harmonise.  To feel and experience the Cosmic Soul -- life, we have to be still, to be quiet within, to withdraw from the maddening crowd.  All Cosmic or esoteric teaching is of this nature; it is only the external, the elementary, the material, that is noisy and restless. 
         The more outer noise and turmoil there is in our lives, the further we are removed from our centre of Light. 
         The way of the Spirit is not noise, excitement, and discord but quiet, calm irradiation. 
         Peace, Joy, Happiness, Health, Harmony and Beauty flow from the Cosmic Soul. 
mauve (rhymes with rove) = moderate purple or lilac 
turquoise = lightly greenish-hued blue 
wisteria = pinnately compound, drooping pale purple leaves 
Lilac graphics 
space line