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Meditation 13 
         Picture in your mind a high, secluded hill, crowned with the restful green of clustering trees.  It is peaceful and serene.  Behind and above, wild clouds of grey and dark purple with silver rifts between them, hurry past on the swing of the wind -- beautiful but stormy, ever changing like the changing things of the earth.  Upright, changeless and steadfast stands the secluded hill -- a Green symbol of the faithfulness which is the strength of love. 
         Realisation.  The soul, attuned to the Cosmic Stillness, remains steadfast amidst the storms of life, surrounded by the eternally-peaceful Green Ray. 
         The power of the soothing Green Ray increases as we hold our mind on the Colour.  Concentrate your thoughts upon the Green Hill and just relax.  To attain the Cosmic Consciousness and realise perfect peace and ease of body and mind, we have first to become still; not still in the merely negative and passive sense, but still in the cosmic or spiritual sense.  Not by denying any feeling of life and emotion but being inwardly still in the etheric, astral and mental bodies and relaxed by concentration on the Green Cosmic Vibration.  This stillness is the radiant repose of the Infinite and Eternal and is in fact the highest possible state of mental and spiritual activity. 
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