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     Welcome to the meditation room.  This is a place to meditate.  You may use it if you wish, or perhaps you would prefer to make a room of your own. 
The Meditation Classoom 
         Our meditation class is in a traditional schoolroom.  We sit in the usual desk-and-chair combination, and the teacher sits at a desk in front.  But on his desk, all along the edge of the side to our left, is a long, vinyl-covered cushion, about six inches in diameter.  Various paddles and other ferules (canes, a carpet beater, an axe-handle) are on the wall behind him. 
         There are 36 desk-and-chairs in the room.  On each of our desks is the cap that we put on our heads; it contains electrodes that record our brain waves, and clearly shows what range (Alpha, Beta, Delta, or Gamma) we are in at any given time, and, inferrentially, our mental behavior. 
         On the teacher’s computer screen are 36 sub-screens, connected to the caps by bluetooth.  Each shows clearly the mind activity of the given student.  Too much time in beta can get you a good rear-tingling spanking, witnessed by the entire class. 
         And when you are being spanked, you are still wearing your cap.  The screen clearly shows whether you are taking the lesson to heart submissively or being brattily defiant.  If you are defiant, your pants can come down for a sharp rebuke or two from the paddle.  That’s right -- good, passive, obedient boys. 
         This classroom, if you carry it in your mind,  can easily be adapted to other areas than meditation -- saying your prayers, doing your conventional homework, etc. 
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