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A Word on Fantasy 
     90% of the fantasies you find on the web are blatant temptations to solitary sex, and best avoided.  The ones on this website are put together for inspiring aspiration -- not for temptations to the garden path. 
     Fantasies about spanking have great power to change your behavior level.  They can either make you a better boy, or a worse one.  Garden path demons lurk in the area, tempting you to pervert the hormones of parenting into those of sex. 
     But if you are firmly committed to beating that temptation, and being a good boy, they can help to strengthen the motivations that impel you to be good. 
     The effect that a good fantasy has is to produce in you, heartfelt resolve to be the way a good boy ought to be. 
     How to use them to best effect is to take each heartfelt resolve (“I’m going to be a GOOD BOY.”  “I’m an OBEDIENT BOY.”  “Yes sir!”  “Yes, ma’am.”), focus upon it intently for 6 to 8 seconds, and then project that thought and feeling into your aura, perhaps visualizing it going into and suffusing your aura. 
     Over time, this should positively improve your character, and change the way you are perceived by others. 
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