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The Kali Santarana Upanishad 
(ca. 500 A.D.  About a thousand years later Caitanya began the Sankirtan Movement, teaching it to the masses.) 
At the end of the Dvapara [Yuga] Narada went to Brahma and addressed him thus; “O Lord, how shall I, roaming over the earth, be able to overcome the effects of Kali [Yuga]?”  Brahma replied thus;  
“You have asked well.  Listen to that which all the Vedas keep secret and hidden, through which one may cross the ocean of mundane existence (samsara) during Kali [Yuga].  It is through the mere recitation of the names of the Primeval Personality of Godhead -- Lord NARAYANA, that one transcends the evil effects of the Kali Yuga.” 
Narada asked again: “What are those names?”  Brahma (Hiranyagarbha) replied; 
hare råma hare råma råma råma hare hare 
hare krsna hare krsna krsna krsna hare hare 
“These sixteen names destroy the negative effects of Kali.  No better means (upaya) than this is to be had in all the Vedas. These sixteen names destroy the 16 envelopments (kala) in which the jiva is enveloped (avarana).  Then like the Sun which shines forth once the clouds are dispersed, Parabrahman alone radiates forth.” 
Again Narada asked; “O Lord what are the regulations (vidhi) to be observed?”  Brahma replied: “There are no regulations.  Whoever in a pure or impure state chants these names always, attains the same world (salokya), proximity to (samipya), the same form as (sarupya) or absorption into Brahman (sayujya).   Whoever chants this mantra of sixteen names 35 million times...”  (And a benefit is specified.  This informs us that there is a boon to be had with these millions of repetitions.  The Iskcon devotees chant 16 rounds of 110 repetitions every day.  This would bring them to 35 million in 50½ years.  Prabhupada originally wanted them to chant 32 rounds, which would get them to that level in half the time.) 
Quoted by permission from Kali Santarana Upanishad at   For the weblink, put "metkalai" in Google's search engine, and select "SriMatham-Ramanuja Acharya's SriMatham-Institute of Srivaisnava..." and click on "Our Publications" right in the Google results. 
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