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The Problem of This Way of Self-Control Being Interpreted as Submission 
         The techniques described here are a way of self-controlled self-discipline, and there is a peculiar problem which attends it, namely, that it resembles submission, and indeed has a lot in common with submission, using methods that are generally assumed to be for other-controlledness, such as parenting. 
         If you are not customarily in the mode of taking a superior, and carrying on as a submitted person, and you begin controlling yourself in this way, you resemble in many ways a submitted subordinate.  But because you are self-controlled, you yourself are manifesting the powers would be taken by a system if you allowed it to control you. 
         For this reason, any of a number of systems in your area are eager to jump on it and usurp those powers.  If they are systems of submitted people, what you have is what they most need, since most of them have forfeited their own. 
         But both other-controlledness and self-control are forms of control, and parenting-type ways are best and most effective, because they work. 
The basics: 
         Well over 90% of human behavior is initiated at the subconscious level, by a unit which is called names such as “the habit mind” and “the robot-mind”.  The conscious mind (the ego-mind) has always the illusion that it is determining behavior, and that it is the grand decider. In the deluded state, the ego-mind believes that it is the identity. 
         But to actually control oneself, it is the subconscious, the robot-mind, which must be gotten ahold of and made to obey -- to accept the rule of the controller. 
         And that robot-mind is exactly like a child.  That’s what children are, really -- walking, talking subconsciouses.  That’s why they are so literal-minded.  And the way to control the robot-mind is exactly how children are controlled -- firm discipline including reward and punishment. 
         You -- the part of you causing most of your behavior -- are a spanking-controlled child.  The rest of is is mostly just defenses, the magnificent Wizard of Oz, who, when the screen of illusion is taken down, turns out to be just a pudgy little guy on a chair. 
         Parents have the dharma of introducing their children to, and setting them in, the best way to control and discipline beings who are in human form.  Everyone gets a version of this discipline during upbringing -- a confirmation of how they have been brought up for countless lifetimes. 
         It is archetypal.  Parenting is heavy software, but the archetypal discipline is in the hardware.  The unit is predisposed to respond to it. 
         Krishna made us this way.  The ultimate purpose of our existence is fun.  When the state of grace is lost, when sin is entered into, most of the fun and potential for fun is lost with it.  Knowing this, and knowing that with our free will, many would periodically fall, He made the way of return from sinful error not only easy, but enormously fun of its own accord. 
         Using the archetypal discipline to escape the hellbound condition, and then to rise to higher and higher moral states, is the most proper form of self-control
The Problem: 
         The greatest mistake that this planet makes is to give power to religion.  “Oh, the devils want power?  We’ll fix that -- we’ll give religion the power.”  “Fine,” say the devils, shrugging their shoulders.  “Did you know I am actually Father Devil?  Oh yes -- I have a degree in theology -- very smart.” 
         They just move right on over into big religion and put their bedsheets on, and those religions degenerate into demonism, devilry, rampant usurpation, and scam. 
         The way of return is fun and easy, but it is not found in scam religion.  If you try to escape through it, you will find yourself in infinite regression, one of the devil’s techniques. 
         When you use the best way of return (spanking-type discipline) you will quite probably be attacked by usurpant demons using power to insist that all spanking activity is masturbatory sex, and that therefor your mind-stuff and soul-stuff are forfeit. 
         The usurpant demon system will further claim that the activity constitutes a submission (to it), and that you are no longer to be regarded as self-controlled. 
         These attacks must be defeated. 
         If you wish, you can make the following affirmation whenever it seems needful: 
         “These practices, involving self-spanking, which make me seem submitted, are not submission at all but an advanced form of self-control, self-obedience, and self-discipline.  I call the attention of God, the Cosmos, and all of the human systems to this fact.  The subconscious, the robot-mind which causes most behavior, is like a boy or girl, and best disciplined as such.  I can make my child obey, but you cannot make my child obey, unless I instruct him to obey you.” 
         If you wish, you are certainly welcome to refer whatever authorities may be involved to this website, and/or directly to me.  My spiritual name is Supposedtobedube, and I am the founder of Unism, which can be found as Book III if this website.  I am the only being in the Cosmos who bears that name. 
         It might help to inform your religious leader of what you are doing, and/or to call the attention of the higher-than-human temple lights to the problem. 
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