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The Teardrop Paddle 
       This teardrop is a scare-paddle -- it makes for the quickest obedience.  The wood is shedua wood, from west Africa, very heavy, denser than mahagony, I think.  It is 0.790 inch thick (over 25/32"), and has a length of 12+7/8", and a width of 5+13/16". 
         I don't draw very well, so I got the shape by modeling clay, then traced it onto cardboard, cut the cardboard out and traced it onto the wood.  Then I cut it out with a scroll saw. 
         When I'm chanting or meditating, and ego mind manifests, I just glance at this paddle on the wall, and it shuts up.  Of course, to get this effect, you need to have good credibility with yourself, so that ego mind believes that you actually will do it. 
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