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Om namo Rudra Un Namo 
         In this chant we are affirming that Rudra, a form of Shiva, arises from and is a personality of, Un Himself -- the Eternal Godhead.  Om here is a way of addressing.  “O” is the sound and symbol of the Eternal Godhead.  “M”, or the drawn out “Mmmm...” is a sound we make while we are loving.  Namo is name of the Godhead; it may be used with any of His forms. 
Hare Isha 
         This is identical to the Hare Kirshna Mantra, except that the name of Isha, the form of Shiva associated with the heart chakra, is substituted for both the Krishna and Rama names.  “Un” is chanted four times, then “Hare Isha, Hare Isha, Isha Isha, Hare Hare” twice, followed by “Hare Un.................Un” 
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