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The De Facto System 
         Each one of us is the center of the universe, about which the universe revolves.  In the light of this, any one of us may constitute his own de facto system, to which others may subscribe. 
         Krishna is the Lord of the universe.  He does not need the demigods; everything they do He could assume, all without breaking a sweat.  His power is limitless.  But it is his pleasure to allow the demigods to help.  It is all a great big bunch of love. 
         Demigods are huge -- much larger than humans, and when they deal with humans they like to address entire groups, all at the same time.  That gives them more of a mouthful to chew. 
         And so, if you desire to constitute your own system, to which others may subscribe, here is a method: Utter the following mantra: Klim Krishnaya, Govindays, Gopi Jana Vallabhaya, Swaha. Highest Light to Rule. 
         To Krishna, to the Giver of Knowledge, to the Lord of the cowherds (demigods), Your power prevail.  Highest light to rule. 
         This mantra gives Krishna the option of responding directly if He wishes, or of permitting one of the demigods to respond.  By adding the five syllables (high-est-light-to-rule), if there are any errors in the response, either immediate or ongoing, a higher light, one closer to Krishna, may intervene, overrule, and supercede. 
         It is the spirit of the system that any ruling light is cheerfully overrulable by a higher light, but rule means rule.  Everyone in the system has agreed to be ruled by the highest light to weigh in on a given issue, and a ruling light may punish disobedience.  Anyone is free to leave the system at any time, but you cannot escape the punishment that way.  Go ahead and try to find a higher light to overrule a given ruling if you wish -- any light in the Cosmos, without restriction. 
         By basing your de facto system on this formula, you are enabling others to be included in your personal system by uttering the same mantra and being properly placed in it by the highest ruling light of the response. 
         By the same token, you may enter the personal system of another by the same formula. 
         It is unlawful to completely reject anyone, but anyone may be rejected within permissible parameters.  One has concentric circles of permitted closeness, and so the demigods would place a rejectable one several circles out in your system, so that he will not be bothersome to you. 
         This is the Holy Mountain of God.  One God, ruling all, all of us Tat spirits equal.  Your de facto system is unlimited.  You may, if you wish, call this system the Supposedtobedube De Facto System. 
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