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         The construction in the photo below is of 1½” X 1½” fir.  The pieces marked “1” in the photo are 22”.  The pieces marked “2” are 14”.  The 14-inch pieces fit inside the 22-inch pieces, making the width 17 inches (14 + 3).  The legs (marked “3” in the photo) are 22”. 
         The 22” and 14” format is simply duplicated for the lower braces (horizontal -- not shown in the photo above, but you can see them in the other photo, on the first page).  That adds up to 19’ 4” of 1½ X 1½, which they sometimes call 2X2’s.  (The lower braces aren't visible in the photo above, but they are in the first photo in this section.  You hold on to the front brace with one hand while you whack with the other.) 
         You will need 16 3½-inch, ¼-inch bolts, and sixteen nuts.  I didn’t use washers or lock washers, and it’s held together for years.  The nuts will dig into the wood a bit, and keep them from turning.  Be careful to get regular steel bolts (24 cents each), and not stainless ( a dollar ten apiece). 
         There are no nails or screws, and no glue.  Just put the legs in the corners and drill from the 1’s through the 3’s with a ¼-inch drill, and from the 2’s through the 3’s, being careful to put the two holes at different levels.  Put the lower braces no higher than eight inches from the bottoms of the legs to the bottoms of the 2X2’s.  It will lose the wobble when you tighten it up. 
         Just slap any kind of 3/8” plywood top on it and nail it in place.  If you have a big body, you might need more reinforcement, or heavier material.  Use your own judgement. 
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